Sunday, March 14, 2010

NEC Announces Formation of Four Parties

The Franklin Times -

The National Election Commission announced in a Sunday press conference the formation of four political parties for the upcoming parliamentary elections.  The four parties granted recognition are: the Party for the People (PFP), The United People's Party (TUPP), the Franklin Alliance Party (FAP), and the Liberocrat Alliance Party (LAP).

With formal NEC recognition the parties are free to begin their campaigns.  Party leaders Brownfield (PFP), Roberts (TUPP), Wilson (FAP), and Kennedy (LAP) will now have to devise strategies to appeal to their prospective voters.  The parties must work to gain initial name recognition as the citizens of Franklin (including the media) know little about their policy stands. 

"I would recommend the parties work to develop their party platforms and react to the news events that develop," commented Ryan White, political science professor at the Franklin National University.  "Only by introducing themselves to the voters can these parties earn the 5% support they need in the national polls to qualify for the $60 million in publicly financed campaign funds."

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