Sunday, March 14, 2010

Afghanistan: Still Our Problem?

The Franklin Times -

As the conflict in Afghanistan enters its ninth year it is becoming clearer and clearer that the western world is failing. One would be hard pressed to look at this war-torn nation and conclude that progress is being made or that it is even possible. This is a land that has defeated every foreign force that has tried to control or change it.

It is a land governed by religious extremism, tribalism, warlords, and drug smugglers. Since bringing Karzai to power after the fall of the Taliban government, the United States has been unable to extend his power. Many analysts agree that while President of Afghanistan in name, Karzai's true power does not extend outside the capital of Kabul.

To complicate matters, the Taliban has reemerged. Supported by sympathetic Pashtuns in Pakistan's ungovernable frontier, this religious movement has reasserted its control over much of the countryside and drug trade. This has led to increasing violence throughout the country and has threatened to prevent the creation of a stable Afghanistan.

In response to these changing dynamics, the United States has reevaluated its military strategy in the country. President Obama and Defense Sec. Gates expanded the military operation and increased the number of troops in country. NATO, which officially has military command of all international forces, is growing wary of the extended military involvement.  European nations seem increasingly unwilling to send more troops.  Last Spring, Prime Minister Chaffins also announced that the Franklin States would expand its troop commitment.  With nearly 3,000 troops now in country and unsteady progress questions arise.  Should our commitment continue?  What are the goals?  What does success look like?

So, now the question for our nation is straightforward: does Franklin continue to commit military forces to Afghanistan?


Robby Gehring said...

Franklin supported the United states when they went to war in 2003. This was the only logical decision that could be made when you consider the long friendship our two great nations have enjoyed for so long. The PFP supports Franklandias commitment in the middle east. Terrorism is not just a problem for America, it is everybodys problem.

So long as the United states is committed to extermanating terrorism throuought the globe, the PFP will stand behind our allies: we take care of our friends

Stefan Mangroo said...

Terrorism is a major problem. It affects everyone. The most logical choice I think is that the United States stay at war, they need to prevent the Taliban from fully reemerging.

Anonymous said...

The Conservative Republican Party [CRP] supports the United States when it comes to the protection of the people of the United States. Whether it be sending more troops overseas. The United States must do what is best for the people.

The goal of is to bring peace and end terrorism. Franklin States shall continue supporting and sending military forces to Afghanistan.

Addie Roberts(TUPP) said...

The U.S. has been an ally of the Franklin States from the beginning of this nation’s formation. It is only right that we support them in their quest to end terrorism. We owe not only to the U.S., but to ourselves. I think, because of the massive political unrest and political change that directly followed, some are forgetting the terrorist attack on November 11, 2001. This isn't just the United States' war, it is our war too. It is our moral duty to help the people of Afghanistan. We should not leave Afghanistan until we have finished our commitment there. Meaning we should not leave until we have eradicated the Taliban or helped create a stable enough government in Afghanistan that it can defend its own people without assistance.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

We, the Franklin Alliance Party, are in full support of sending more troops into Afghanistan. We believe it is our right as a nation to fight the war on terror. We believe the power of nation to nation interaction, but if a force threatens this, like the terrorists do, we are 100% behind aggressive action to subdue the threat.

Robby Gehring said...

Franklin supported the United states when they went to war in 2003. This was the only logical decision that could be made when you consider the long friendship our two great nations have enjoyed for so long. The PFP supports Franklans commitment in the middle east. Terrorism is not just a problem for America, it is everybodys problem.

So long as the United states is committed to exterminating terrorism throuought the globe, the PFP will stand behind our allies: we take care of our friends

Garett Teets wrote this