Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Proof of Corruption????

The Zudge Report -

As the 4th General Assembly election begins, it looks as if corruption is taking hold.  Exclusive photos (like those below), leaked to our investigative reporters, seem to confirm that fear of political corruption is warranted.  The photo clearly shows top party executives of the Franklin Alliance Party striking a secret deal with an unnamed individual. 

Of course these photos raise only more questions.  What is the root of this corrupt agreement?  Who is the unidentified individual?  A reporter? An executive? A political operative?  Was money being exchanged illegally?  What are the exact details of this agreement?  We at Zudge Report have a duty to uncover the truth and will hold the FAP's feet to the fire.  More stories to follow.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

I apologize on behalf of the FAP if any citizens were under the impression that the FAP took part in any corruption. This photo was taken at our interview with Trio News. We sat down with Reporter Emily Simpson to discuss our party and some of our policies. If they're any of you who do not find our explanation, the interview should be posted soon as proof.
Once again, we apologize for any of our supporters who found this misleading.
FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson

Unknown said...
