Sunday, March 21, 2010

Teachers Request Solutions

The Franklin Times -

The National Teachers Rally, the nation's largest teachers union, is organizing an educational forum. The forum's purpose, as explained by NTR's President Lauren McDonald, is to provide an opportunity for a free ranging and thought provoking discussion on the current issues facing education.

"As the educators of Franklin, we believe that education is a prime issue for our nation. It is also a complex issue that cannot be discussed in sound bites and press releases. A real discussion and debate is needed if we are ever to see progress. That is the purpose of this forum," explain McDonald.

The NTR invites all parties to participate in the forum. Parties are invited to participate through an internet discussion room sponsored by Nicenet. Parties willing to participate are encouraged to access the forum through the Nicenet link on the NECs election wiki and comment on the "Future of Education" thread.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP will participate in the forum

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP is in the process of creating a stem cell research policy. Look for updates on our policy.
Thanks, FAP Party Leader, Tyler Wilson

Emily Mobley said...

The PPP will be glad to participate in this forum. We believe education is one of the biggest issues facing our nation, and will be happy to address the problems facing education today.

Addie Roberts (TUPP) said...

TUPP will be attending this forum

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP strongly encourages the other parties to participate in the education forum. This will allow parties to collaborate and, most importantly, allow the citizens to view which policy they believe is best.
Best of luck,
FAP Party Leader, Tyler Wilson