Monday, March 15, 2010

NEC Announcement

The Franklin Times -

In a short press release, the National Election Commission announced the recognition of another political party.  The Power of the People Party (PPP) was granted formal recognition and can now wage its campaign.  This brings the total to five parties so far competing in the upcoming General Assembly elections.


Jacob Rinehart said...

We wish you the best of luck! May the force be with you!
-The Franklin Alliance

Stefan Mangroo said...

The PPP is happy to be in the running. We have pretty good policies and we are ready to win the election! :D

Anonymous said...

The Conservative Republican Party [CRP] would like to congratulate the PPP. Good Luck on the upcoming election!

Emily Mobley said...

The PPP has decided to formally change it's name from the Power of the People Party to the Progressive Liberal Party, or the PLP. We have decided that this name is better siuted for our party and will give the voters of our country a better idea of what our party stands for. We will be glad to answer any questions regarding our decision to change our name. Thank you for your understanding,

-rogressive Liberal Party