Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Gun Gala

The Capital Courier -

Gun Gala - Next weekend, thousands of gun owners will meet at the Gun Gala, the largest gun show held in Franklin. The annual event, held this year in the nation's capital, represents not only a prime opportunity for gun buyers and sellers to do business, but also represents a political event.

"As our nation moves into its democratic future, it is critically important that our government respect the rights of gun owners," explained Greg Godsen, President of the Franklin Rifle Association (FRA). "Our members will be looking closely at the parties' policies and views when it comes to gun ownership."

Godsen went on to explain that while the group will not be extending direct invites to the parties, they encourage the parties to submit clear policies and views to the FRA's Executive Council that can be considered when making endorsement decisions. This can be done by both responding to the story.

Many political analysts agree that gun rights will not play a pivotal role in the 2010 election, but this interest group and its supporters could play crucial roles in key states. "This will force many political parties to develop a delicate balancing act," stated Kyle Smithson, a political analyst.

Gun ownership is extremely high in the western States, while gun control remains a popular issue in urban areas of the East.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP believes anyone who would like to own a gun, should have the opportunity to do so, except the following people:
-Criminals convicted of violent crimes such as murder, armed robbery, etc.
-The mentally challenged or mentally insane
-Must be of 18 years or older
*Anyone who would like to purchase a gun would need proof of citizenry.

The FAP believes in minimal gun control. After taking a gun possession class and gaining a license, the possessor would be allowed to posses the gun in public, as long as it is concealed. However, the possessor may not have the gun in their possession within 100 feet of the following areas:
-Public and private school buildings, or other school facilities, like stadiums, sports teams practice areas, etc.
-Religious facilities such as churches, mosques, synagogues, etc.
-Government buildings (national, state, and local)

The Media (Member Samantha) said...

Your views on gun ownership is fair and interesting FAP leader Mr. Wilson, but I ask what you plan to do if the civilian doesn't have a license or the appropriate documentation for their gun? What would their punishment consist of for this crime?

Addie Roberts (TUPP) said...

The TUPP is in full support of gun rights. However, we believe that in order to purchase a gun you must complete a "Conceal and Carry" class and receive a "Conceal and Carry" license. To take this class you must be 18 years or older and must have never been convicted of a Felony. After completing the class, a citizen may carry and conceal their gun in public. Excluding any government owned buildings (schools, libraries, court houses, ect.). Private businesses have the right to ban guns in their establishment.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

If the citizen is found with possession of an unregistered gun, the gun will be confiscated and the citizen will receive a fine. If the citizen is found with a gun in public, has it registered, but does not have the license to carry it concealed in public, the gun will be confiscated for a set amount of time and will receive a much larger fine for endangering the public.
Tyler Wilson, FAP Party Leader