Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wallup Poll

The Capital Courier -

The Wallup Polling Corp. released it latest round of national polling...

If the election were held today, who would you support?
FMP - 10%, FHSRP - 8%, LFP - 8%, LLP - 7%, ALP - 6%, JRP - 5%, FDRP - 18%, Undecided - 38%

Do you feel well informed as to the Parties' policies?
Yes - 25%; No - 75%

Should the country boycott the Olympics?
Yes - 38%; No - 38%; Unsure - 24%

What is the most important issue in the election?
Economy - 41%; War on Terror/Iraq - 20%; Healthcare - 10%; Education - 10%; Other - 19%

Should the Franklin States withdraw from Iraq?
Yes - 64%; No - 36%

Should the Franklin States continue its membership in NAFTA?
Yes - 42%; No - 30%; Unsure - 28%

Do you consider yourself "pro-choice" or "pro-life"?
Pro-choice - 44%; Pro-life - 32%; Neither - 24%


Anonymous said...

The FMP is very proud of the progress they have made in collecting votes. We would like to ensure all the citizens of the Franklin States that we will continue working hard for you. Your best interests are our highest priority. "For all those far and in between..." the FMP stands for you!


Anonymous said...

The FMP understands that the energy question is very important in this upcoming election. For an in depth look at the FMP's energy policy, please visit our website :)


Anonymous said...

The Love & Freedom Party is grateful to see these poll results, and will look to them as guidelines for our upcoming policy and issue updates. We hope to maintain our place in the election race, and to win the hearts of the pollers as time goes on.

Thank you,
<3 Love & Freedom Party.

Anonymous said...

The Love & Freedom Party is grateful to see these poll results, and will look to them as guidelines for our upcoming policy and issue updates. We hope to maintain our place in the election race, and to win the hearts of the pollers as time goes on.

Thank you,
<3 Love & Freedom Party.