Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Trade Issue

The Franklin Times -

The nation's two largest labor unions, the National Workers Union and the Franklin Workers Alliance, issued a joint statement today asking the parties to clearly state their policies as they relate to labor issues. "Today, we call on the political parties to explain their views on the rights of workers to form unions, have affordable healthcare, possess secure pensions, and a living wage," said Luke Hooper, spokesman for the NWU.

With unemployment rising and many working class voters feeling squeezed these issues are clearly important to union members. Tied to these economic concerns is the issue of free trade. NAFTA has been increasing blamed for rising unemployment in the large urban centers of the country. However, many farmers and high tech firms have benefited greatly from the free trade agreement. These groups have found support from the Free Market Association, which explains that the future of economic growth is found in free trade agreements not in protectionism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are pleased to announce that our party will be participating in yet another gathering. As any other candidate we hope to get the peoples point across while addressing where our party stands. Hopefully the citizens are happy with our policies. If not we would like to apologize in advance. Thanks,
~FDRP Campaign Committee~