Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Interest Group Updates

The Franklin Times -

EPC Convention Approaches -

Final preparations are being made for the annual national convention of the Environment Protection Council (EPC), which is being held in South Winsota's capital, Milwaukee. Delegates from around the F.S.A. will be in attendance at the meeting, which because of the upcoming election has taken on new significance. Eric Greene, President of EPC, described how the election has increased the power and influence his group has. "Now that political parties have to compete for power they need the people," He explained, "as of now five of the major parties are planning on addressing our delegation; presenting their environmental platforms. It is clear that an endorsement from our organization will go a long way to assuring electoral victory in May."

Gun Gala -

Today thousands of gun owners met at the Gun Gala, the largest gun show held in Franklin. The annual event represents not only a prime opportunity for gun buyers and sellers to do business, but also represents a political event. "As our nation moves into its democratic future, it is critically important that our government respect the rights of gun owners," explained Greg Godsen, President of the Franklin Rifle Association (FRA). Many political analysts agree that gun rights will not play a pivotal role in the 2008 election, but this interest group and its supporters could play crucial roles in key States. "This will force many political parties to develop a delicate balancing act," stated Kyle Smithson, a political analyst. Gun ownership is extremely high in the western States, while gun control remains a popular issue in urban areas of the East.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

---------EPC CONVENTION---------
Currently our party is not favored by this interest group but we would like to state that our policies are for the people. We hope to create a zoo in our national park for endangered species and make businesses ask for permission to build where there is forestation. Also in term s of natural resources. Our party wants to harvest these resources only for the good of the people. By harvesting more of these resources we hope to create a surplus of gasoline to lower prices for the consumers in our economy. We however do not want these products to be harvested to where they become greatly scarce. We will limit our harvesting before we are in danger of causing the extinction of a resource.

--------Gun Gala--------
Our parties stand on gun control is the citizens must pass a gun safety test and have a license to hunt. Any "persons" caught without either of these would face charges placed on them by the Human Rights Commission. Although all standards or charges written by the commission would have to be approved by the states to prevent government infringement on the civil rights of the citizens.
~FDRP Policy Committee~