Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Foreign Gathering

The Capital Courier -

In Franklin City yesterday, four party spokespersons addressed a joint gathering of the Royal Veterans Association and the World Affairs Council. In speeches to the audience, the speakers laid out the foreign policies of their respective parties. Spokespersons from the LLP, FMP, FDRP, and the LFP detailed their foreign policy plans if they were to win the upcoming election. Reaction from the audience was polite but bitterly divided. "The LLP and the LFP both seem committed to seeing this country fail in Iraq. They both represent the politics of cut and run. The FMP seemed to take a moderate stance but offered few details. The FDRP is the only party seemingly firmly committed to victory in Iraq," explain Joel Smithson the RVA's Bennett State President. Yet, there was a radically different opinion from Susan Prompt, WAC Policy President. "From conversations I had after the presentations, my supporters were most impressed with the LLP's Gentry Plan. Their call for troop withdraw seems the most intouch with the will of the people. I would not be surprised to see our organization endorse the LLP in the coming week."

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