Sunday, April 20, 2008

NEC Updates

Wallup Tracking Poll (4/20/08):

If the election were held today, who would you support?
LLP - 17%
LFP - 19%
FMP - 13%
ALP - 4%
FHSRP - 4%
JRP - 4%
FDRP - 27%
Unsure - 12%

What is the top issue in the election?
Economy 47%
Iraq/Terrorism 12%
Healthcare 12%
Education 5%

The National Election Commission announced that the 2nd round of campaign spending reports are to be submitted by Thursday, April 24th.


Anonymous said...

It is my honor to announce the appreciation to our supporters in this election and I am pleased to announce as this elcetion tightens you will hear more from us. Currently, we are studying a field of economics and we hope to improve the F.S.A.'s. So until we meet again, thanks.
~John Wheeler~

Anonymous said...

The LFP recognizes our place in this election with gratitude towards the people who support us. We realize we do not have the lead in this election, yet, but our party has managed to stick our foot in the proverbial door and we look forward to going neck in neck with the FDRP over the last few weeks of this election.

Keep on loving, citizens.
- The Love & Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

"It has arrived to my attention that the FDRP has posted some false advertisements about myself stating that i support violence. The picture and statement is misleading. I do not support violence my friends and fellow citizens, that picture was taken during my self defense class. While I do not support violence, it remains out there in this world, and I believe that everyone should have preperation in protection in situations when help is limited and the only option is self defense. Do not worry my friends, I DO NOT SUPPORT VIOLENCE! I WISH FOR ONLY PEACE! I PROMISE YOU PEACE AND THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL RECIEVE!"