Sunday, April 20, 2008

Budget Deficit

The Capital Courier -

Budget Deficit Hits High

The Royal Treasurer announced today that the nation's budget deficit has hit a new record. The current national budget shows a deficit of $42 billion dollars. When asked to explain, Michael Bradburn responded, "Simply put: we spent more money than we took in. No matter, let the democratic revolutionaries solve the problem." It is unclear how this financial situation will play out, but it is hoped parties will explain their views.


Anonymous said...

The LFP is embarressed by Michael Bradburn's nonchalant comment on the deficit issue. Yes, the government did spend more money than they took in -- however this is not something that we can just let slip right past us. In order for this problem to be solved, we are the ones who must fix it. The LFP will work hard at cutting back spending, so that the nation's deficit will decrease. You wait, Michael Bradburn. Sit back and watch us "democratic revolutionaries" solve this problem.

- The LFP

Anonymous said...

The budget deficit is completely unnecessary, but inevitable. The government should be more responsible in spending the same amount, or less than the amount they are taking in. But in accordance with that, the government must spend a necessary amount to meet the general wants and needs of the people.
The FMP is planning to reduce taxes, and reduce spending while still managing to please the citizens of FSA. The FMP is solving this problem.
-For all those far and in between. *FMP

Anonymous said...

I'd like to ask the FMP, exactly how do you plan on decreasing the spending and lowering taxes? Also, what good would it do to lower spending and then lower taxes? If you lower both the deficit would not change. You would need to increase taxes and leave the spending, or decrease spending and leave the taxes. In this type of situation we, the FDRP, would simply decrease government spending. After all it is government that made the deficit, so government should suffer NOT the people. While lower government spending, we would simply leave taxes where they are. That way those who are suffering do not suffer any farther and those who are wealthy will still have no problems paying taxes. Only by disciplining the government for their mistakes will make this country's deficit disappear. "We follow in our father's footsteps." Our roots are the same as the common citizens!
~FDRP Advisor John Wheeler~

Anonymous said...

The LLP does not appreciate the sarcastic attitude of Michael Bradburn. The LLP plans on increasing consumer spending so that we can get some more money flow in the economy. We will also begin to talk to our allied countries in the east about a tax reduction on our imported goods. With the help of the people, we will see that this country gets through the difficult times ahead. Thank you for your support. Vote for LLP!