Saturday, May 10, 2008

Newspaper Endorsements...

Newspaper Endorsements:

The Nordonia News: The FDR Party - "This party represents the clear vision of a proper conservative party by embracing the notion that only through free choice can a society reach greatness."

The Franklin Times: Literally Liberal Party- "The Literally Liberal Party has run both a strong and flawed campaign, but has showcased the seriousness needed for a ruling party. Its commitment to social justice and to ending the flawed foreign policy of misguided intervention makes it the best choice."

The Capital Courier: Love and Freedom Party - "As is all too often the trend in western democracies, the political debate has been dominated by left and right parties. Yet, Franklin has another option that reflects the only real chance to unify our nation. That choice, which we endorse, is to take the moderate road."

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