Saturday, May 10, 2008

Labor Endorses...

The Franklin Times -

The National Workers Union announced this afternoon its full endorsement of the Literally Liberal Party. After yesterday's closed door meeting between NWU and LLP leaders, the nation's largest labor organization stated that, "The Literally Liberal Party has demonstrated a clear connection and commitment with Franklin's working class. The union will dedicate our membership and money to supporting this great party in the upcoming election." This endorsement represents a major boost for the LLP as it looks to separate itself from the other leftist parties. The NWU also announced it was beginning an aggressive ad campaign against what it referred to as the "unfair trade" policies advocated by conservative parties.

In a late evening press release, the Franklin Workers Alliance (the nation's second largest labor union) announced its full endorsement of the Literally Liberal Party. Citing the party's support for workers’ rights, the Alliance stated, "the Literally Liberal Party represents the only real chance we have for saving Franklin's jobs and stopping the injustice represented by the money driven free traders." This represents a political victory for the LLP, which now has been endorsed by the two major labor organizations.

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