Thursday, May 15, 2008

Early Election Projections

The Franklin Times -

The National Elections Commission is reporting heavy voter turnout throughout the country. The NEC is estimating a national turnout of 74%. Turnout has been heaviest in the western states, especially Bennett, and in the large urban areas of Capital State, Conover, Wayne, and Irondequiot.

Early projections show strong support for the FDRP, LLP, LFP, and FMP. The race remains too close to call but projections for the District Seats (65 of the 350 seats in the National Assembly) show:

FDRP capturing 20 District Seats
LLP capturing 15 District Seats
LFP capturing 13 District Seats
FMP capturing 9 District Seats
FHSRP Party capturing 4 District Seats
JRP Party capturing 2 District Seats
ALP Party capturing 2 District Seats

While winning District Seats is important, it is still uncertain if strength in these races will translate into big wins in the race for the At Large Seats (285 of the 350 seats in the National Assembly) which are based on the vote percentage each party receives within each individual state. Control of the National Assembly will depend on a party or coalition controlling at least 176 of the 350 seats.

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