Saturday, May 10, 2008

Issues and Endorsements

The National Press Association invites all parties to make a final appeal to voters through the NEC blog. The NPA asks all parties to simply post a message...

The NPA also invites all parties to check out the updated interest group endorsement page...


Anonymous said...

Dear Franklin States of America,

It has been a long road since the start of this campaign. Many tears have been shed, and many battles fought. The (LLP) has appreciated all of the support that it has recieved during the campaign. We feel blessed to have recieved this opportunity to change this great nation. With all of your support, we know that we can get the job done. The (LLP) wishes all of the other parties good luck in the closing weeks, and may the best party win!
Thank you, and God bless you all

Anonymous said...

After reading our opponents policies, I would like to express my opinion on the fact that our policies are the most clear and detailed. I can truly say that a lot of parties are basing their policies on the feeling of their parties. Not on what they feel is important or even best for the economy. WE the FDR party made our policies for the people and their concerns as spelled out through the polls. FDR has tried our best to show the voters we are there for them and we hope the voters acknowledge our work in supporting us. I vote for us is a vote for the common man. VOTE FDRP!

Anonymous said...

My dear friends, citizens, competitors, and Mr. Mcfarland:

The 2008 Franklin States election has been a long and tedious journey for the LFP. We have slowly worked our way up in the polls until we were a party battling for 1st place on the left side of the political spectrum. We appreciate teh competition the other parties have brought to the race, and respect their opinions and policies. However, the LFP feels that our party would best benefit the FSA in office. We will follow through with our policies, and make sure that the citizens of the FSA are satisfied and happy. We hope that the voters feel the same way and that they elect Hannah Myers for prime minister in the 2008 election.

Thank you, God bless.
the LFP.

Anonymous said...

Closing Statement-

The FMP would again like to thank the opposing parties for a fair campaign. More importantly the FMP would like to thank the citizens of the Franklin States of America for their continued support in this election. We would be nowhere without you. Your support does not go unappreciated. Since the beginning of the elections, it has been the main goal of the FMP to be the party that fully embodies the ideas and goals of the Franklin States citizens. The Free Moderate Party has done just that. WE have answered your cfall for a part and government who represent you. All of you. And nothing but you. We are here to help you, but first we need your help. We need your support, your votes, to guarantee that we can follow through with our plans and make sure that we dig this government out of the hole it has slowly fallen into. We guarantee education for all and healthcare also. We will work to protect civil liberties and right. We will brin our troops home, support environmental research and work to help our economy grow. The election is close, and now is the time to decide, Franklin Citizens. Now is the time to decide whether you will like your government to settle, or strive for greatness. now you must make the decision of who is truly for you, and who is not. "For all those far and in between." Please, let the Free Moderate Party be the party to represent YOU.