Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Troop Surge a Possibility

The Capital Courier -

Sources within the Royal Armed Forces have revealed intense discussions over the issue of a "surge" or increase in military personnel in Iraq. According to sources, the RAF was petitioned by the U.S. to consider a troop increase in Iraq to assist their own troop surge in Baghdad. It is rumored that an additional 1,200 troops could be sent to Iraq, bringing the total number of Franklin military personnel in country to 3,500. However, there appears to be some opponents of the plan in the RAF and within the King's own War Council. Furthermore, it is unclear if the King would send additional troops before the upcoming election, since his role as commander-in-chief will end when the new democratically elected government takes control.


Anonymous said...

We of the Liberal Rights Party believe that the more troops snet to Iraq, the more problem there is with the government. The War Council is just killing innocent troops in a war that Franklin should not be in. This war has begun to deplete our resources and goods. The nation is just starting out as a world power and we don't want our military to be destroyed if a more important battle comes our way. The Liberal Rights Party doesn't believe in the war. Get out now!!!

Anonymous said...

The Manisrit view on the war in Iraq is more of support than sending in troops. We believe that our citizens should not have to risk their lives in a war for another country, but whatever money or weapons they need, we would surely help them out. We support this war financially, but we don't believe Franklin should have to send an additional 1,200 troops over; this is their war, not ours.

Anonymous said...

We of the Free Conservatists Party beleive that more troops should be sent to Iraq in order to ensure safety of the nation. Sending more troops will also help hasten the war efforts and make it end quicker. We do not want to spend more time than is needed in Iraq however we do see it necessary to keep fighting in this war.

Anonymous said...

The members of the Buckeye Party strongly disagree with the Liberal Rights Party. And, concerning the Manisrit Party we appreciate the troop support but we do not support your other views. Such as when you said that it is their war not ours. One of the fundamental beliefs of our country is that every man and woman has the natural right to freedom and liberty. We feel that just because they are not members of this country does not mean that they are not entitled to those same rights. They are people too, are they not?
And to get back to the Liberal Rights Party, you have not even thought of the consequences of the ideas you have published. Whether you agreed with going to war in the first place you must agree that the circumstances have changed. If we pull out now then the world will be in a much more dangerous position. If we leave then the terrorists will step up there attacks and overrun the Iraqi security forces. After that happens Iraq will be a breeding ground for terrorists and other militants. By looking at history, you will see that this is an opportune moment for the rise of an authoritarian dictator. But if you think that this chaos will stay within the borders of Iraq then you are wrong. Anarchy knows no borders, it does not simply stop when it comes to a manmade line. Instead the entire region will go down with Iraq. And then it will be almost impossible to solve. Then we would be fighting a much broader war on terror. Why? Because they would then bring the war to the home front. And if you dont believe me then just take a look at what happened to the United States.

Anonymous said...

The CAT party believes we should increase the amount of troops we have in Iraq. If we are going to help financially then we should help militarily because the terrorist will come after us if we are giving just our money so if we send more troops then they can fight for us. We don't believe the election should effect what we are doing in Iraq because we have to stay if we want to be save. We all want to live in a safe world and this is the only way to be safe. THe Cat party would like to thank the Royal source for bringing this very critical issue to the forefront. It is a major issue and we should never forget what happened on 9/11. It is why we are here today and we will not allow anybody the chance to hurt our country and our great citizens.

Anonymous said...

As you can tell from our earlier press statement we strongly support hte troop sureg. howver, we differ the other parties in the aspact of how many should be sent. We think that 20,000 of our 150,000 troops should be sent.