Friday, March 23, 2007

The Gap Widens

The Franklin Times -

According to the most recent polling data, the electoral gap continues to grow. According to the most recent Wallup tracking poll released today, two parties continue to dominate. Additionally, it appears that their support is being driven largely by momentum. In this poll, LSP support has surged 8% points and LRP support grew 7%. Meanwhile, the remaining parties are polling dismally. The other five parties remain in the low single digits.

If the election were held today, which political party would you support?

LSP 26%; LRP 18%; MOR 4%; Manisrits 3%; Buckeye 3%; Free Conservatives 4%; CAT 4%; Unsure 38%

"This election continues to defy all political science research on multi-party systems," explained Eli Vance, a political consultant. "It is not uncommon for two dominant parties to emerge, but they rarely develop on the same side of the political spectrum. However, this election is far from over, the large number of undecided voters shows the potential is there for a competitive race, if a viable conservative party ever emerges."


Anonymous said...

The Liberal Rights Party is in for the long hall in this election. If it comes to it, we will form a coalition with anyone willing to be in power that is on our side of the spectrem. But, we still hope to come out on top for the little men of the country. The Liberal Rights Party wishes that the people vote for who they believe is the best party, though. In the end, it seems that we will find a way to get votes.

Anonymous said...

The CAT party would like to congradulate the leading parties at the moment but we would also like to point out that it is early and we will be there in the end to fight for the citizens and win their votes.