Monday, March 19, 2007

2 Die in Iraq

The Nordonia News -

The Royal Armed Forces announced the death of two soldiers in Baghdad. Both died in an IED attack while on patrol. The two soldiers are both from the State of Wayne. The RAF's press release stated that their names will be released after contact is made with the families. The Royal Armed Forces currently has 2,300 military personnel deployed in Iraq in support of Coalition forces. These deaths mark the 34th and 35th military fatality since 2003.


Anonymous said...

The Liberal Rights Party looks at these deaths in the war on terror as another blow to this economy. The Franklin States of America need to get out of this war because it doesn't help or hurt our society in the process. Soon, all of our 2,300 soldiers will be dead and gone. The Liberal Rights Party feels it is in the best interest of our newly formed nation to get out of the war because, one, we are just becoming a nation in politics and economics, and second, there is no reason to be in the war. Our party still feels sorry for all of the lives that are lost everyday in the war and we will get out of the war if our party gets in power.

Anonymous said...

We of the Liberal Rights Party see this war as a mistake. Sure we might have seen it as a necessity toward the beginning of the war but after we found out there were no weapons of mass destruction, we should have withdrawn. Our soldiers are dying for no reason at all. Our thoughts go out to those families who have lost loved ones in this war.

Anonymous said...

Nothing in this world is more precious then life. The FCP is a proud supporter of our troops and amazed at the courage and bravery at which they put forth. In an effort to eliminate the threat of terrorist attacks, our troops have made the ultimate sacrifice. The FCP wishes to honor those that have died in hopes of freeing all from the grasp of tyranny. The FCP offers encouragement and peace to families of these honored men. The FCP hates war and views it as a final step to keeping peace. We know the cost of war our great, but we also note that unless we Franklin States fail to intercede the casualties may be far greater. The FCP wants our citizens safe and our troops are making the ultimate sacrifice to realize that dream. May God bless the troops.

Anonymous said...

FIrst the CAT party would like to send itt condulinceses to the families of the two fallen soldiers. They fought with bravery and honor. We can only thank them and their families for protecting us. We believe they died for a great cause. Anything that is protecting the people of the Franklin Sates is a good thing. We wish we didn't have to be at war with terrorist but in todays world if we do not fight them there we will have to fight them here. We can not afford to back away from our alleys as they will one day have to help us in a bad situation and we believe they will. May God be with the familes and the troops who are still over there and watch over them and hopefully soon bring them home back to their loved ones.