Monday, March 26, 2007

NEC News

The Franklin Times -

The NEC issued a statement this afternoon declaring that campaign funds will be released to two additional parties. In the statement the director of NEC stated that the $30 million set aside for the Manisrit Party and the Free Conservatives will be released to their campaigns. The director explained that according to internal polling these two parties had reached the 5% support threshold to receive funds.

The most recent Wallup Opinion Poll results...

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

LSP 28%; LRP 19%; MOR 4%; Manisrit 6%; Buckeye 3%; Free Conservatives 5%; CAT 4%; Unsure 31%

Do you feel satisfied with the electoral choices offered?

Yes 44%; No 50%; Unsure 6%

The poll found growing support for the Manisrit Party but wariness of the party name. Adam Wulff, a Wallup pollster explained, "Many voters, especially women, are confused and even wary of the party's name." Additionally, the poll found support for a conservative party and even a desire of a party reflecting conservative views on the economy, security and social issues.


Anonymous said...

The Liberal Rights Party believes that the $30 million dollors for the two additional parties, whoever they may be, is good because an election is not good without a little competition. The Franklin States of America need a good first election to show that our leader or leaders in government will have an impact on the world as a whole. The more money each party raises in this upcoming election the better. Again, the LRP will love the competition in the election. We hope to have a good campaign in the upcoming election and give luck to each and every party running against us.

Anonymous said...

The Free Conservatists Party appreciate the financial campaign money. We hope to use this money to reach to the voters and inform them of our policies and political standings. The FCP notices that the people are leaning towards the liberals and we are hoping that with this funding we can change the political thoughts of the voters and ensure that their change in parties will not be a mistake.

Anonymous said...

The CAT party believes it is wonderful to have competition in our elections. It is what we fight for everyday. Hopefully we will be able to gain supprt and creep up into the top of the polls. We wish the other parties in the election good luck and we hope to see them soon at a debate. Remember though the CAT party will scratch out the competition.