Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Global Warming

The Capital Courier -

Reports indicate a dramatic showdown is occurring within the Royal Council on the hot-button issue of global warming. Global warming has recently become both a global and national issue. Today, in the United States, former Vice President Al Gore appeared before Congress in a hearing about global warming. Gore advised lawmakers to cut carbon dioxide and other warming gases 90 percent by 2050 to avoid a crisis. Doing that, he said, will require a ban on any new coal-burning power plants — a major source of industrial carbon dioxide — that lack state-of-the-art controls to capture the gases. Sources have revealed that King Guy has expressed concern over the global warming issue, especially after viewing Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth. However, the Monarchy has never ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which calls for industrial nations to reduce their pollutant levels. Additionally, the sources reveal, while the King has expressed concern, it is unclear that any action will be taken. "This issue cuts to the heart of people," explained Dr. Tom Howard, a political scientist at Conover University, "No one is favor of Global Warming, the real question is what do we do about it and at what cost?" Many analysts agree, the King will pass on the decision in order for the issue to be properly debated in the election.


Anonymous said...

The Liberal States Party finds environmental issues facing this country to be a high priority problem. We plan to place more strict guidlines on vehicles and factories. We plan to spend up to 500 million dollars in order to build research in making more efficient, cleaner vehicles and factories. Global warming is getting worse and we will see to it that we create polices and laws that will prevent this act from occuring. ~LBS~

Anonymous said...

The environment is one of the Liberal Rights Party's main priorities. We will work side by side with environmentalists to create strict laws against pollution. We will not only spend the necessary money to clean up the environment, we will also spend the necessary money to develop alternative sources of energy and fuel.

Anonymous said...

Golobal warming is a global concern. We feel that actions to prevent this from happening should be taken. The Manisrits Party wants to preserve the health and beauty of our world so we think it would be a wise decision of the King to set some restrictions on what his people are doing to cause the warming to increase.

Anonymous said...

The Manisrit Party is focused on conserving energy and slowing the process of global warming. We realize it is inevitable, but we are working to clean our air. We feel that as long as we are in political control, everyone will be able to breathe deeply, and safely, for our goal is to make factories and cars cut down on polution. This is our world, our home, and our future, and the Manisrits are here to make those ideas clear, calm, and safe; for many generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Ensuring the environment is safe for the people and workable for industry is a issue greatly concerned about in the Free Conservatist Party. The industry needs to strive for cleaner work environments and less polution, but it also needs to have production. Without factories or vehicles this world would not be the same and many people would be without jobs, homes, and transportation. Much of the global warming in the atmosphere is natural, but we as humans play a contributing factor to its increase or decrease. The Free Conservatist Party will ensure that the people are safe and that the industry can still fluorish under better environmental laws.

Anonymous said...

The CAT party believes the monarchy needs to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. If we are elected this will be one of the first things we will do. We believe that the rising temperature on earth is a huge problem. With the weather changing drasicly in two days going from 80 degrees to 40 degrees we feel global warming is a problem that need to be dealt with so our grandchildren don't have to suffer from what we didn't follow through. We must protect our precious earth by not using all of the resources and by not poulutting the air. Along with not plluting the water and using chemicals that can severely destroy the ozone layer.

We will create laws that force businesses to help stop poluttion and prtoect the enviromnt which we so desperately need.