Monday, April 5, 2010

Europe's Education Crisis: College Costs Soar

The Nordonia News -

There is no question that the global economy is transforming.  Modern post-industrial economies, like that of the Franklin States, are increasingly becoming knowledge-based.  This means the future keys to economic success rest not with manual skills but with knowledge and skills fostered through formal education. 

These changes lead us to question what kind of public investment must be placed in institutes of higher education.  There are no easy answers as the U.S. and European models demonstrate.  In the United States, where higher education costs rest with the individuals, college tuition expenses are exploding.  Many tuition rates in both state and private schools have doubled in less than ten years.  These high costs are placing severe strain on the ability of many to afford college educations.  In Europe (see article below) a public financing system is witnessing increased fiscal strain. 

Europe's Education Crisis: College Costs Soar


Emily Mobley said...

If elected, the PLP will refuse to cut spending on education. We intend to ensure that public education is free until a student graduates from high school. We also intend to make it easier for students to pay for higher education by offering fedral financial aid. We also plan on making it easier for students to pay back loans they took out for education by only requiring them to pay a small percent of their income each month to repay federal loans, as well as forgiving their debt after a certain amount of years. For more information on the PLP's education policy, check the teachers forum on

Yours Truly,
Emily Mobley, PLP party leader

Brianna Ruppert said...

Education is an important topic with the PLP. We plan to improve schooling systems by refurbishing old schools and building new ones. We realize students are paying more and more every year for tuition. We hope to devise a way of lowering prices of college. Ivesting in students who plan to attend college will help the economy as a whole while helping individual students. Living in a car or stealing biscuits to survive are no ways to live.

Campaign Director
Brianna Ruppert

Hayley Estes said...

The LAP is a stong advocator of equal educational opportunities. We believe that everyone should have equal chances at a good education, no matter economic status. As college tuition increases, fewer people are able to attend college due to their families' economic status and financial situations. Reduced payments and easier ways of paying back would give more students the ability to attend college. More scholarship opportunities could increase the student's chances as well as educational acts that save money.If elected, the LAP will work towards building a brighter college future for more students.

Hayley Estes, Party Spokesperson

FAP spokesperson Jacob Rinehart said...

Education is very important to the FAP. The youth are the future and we must prepare them as best we can to lead the next generation. The FAP will not cut funding to schools and ensure equal opportunity to all students. Tuition for college has been increasing. The FAP will help support students wanting to better their education. Financial aid will be availbale to those who need it and will be set on a manageable plan to pay back their debt. Education is the key to a successful future. We must do all we can to better this education.

TUPP said...

TUPP believes strongly in the idea that education paves the way for future generations. If elected TUPP will not cut funding for education. We not only want everyone to have an education, but an equal education which is why we will require every school to meet certain, equal guidelines. We also believe that the government should offer subsides or loans in order to ensure that everyone who works hard will have the opportunity to go to college, regardless of their financial situation.