Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tax Burdens?

The Nordonia News -

Every nation must define its goals and commitments.  Furthermore, nations must also decide how much they are willing pay and sacrifice to meet those goals and commitments.  These decisions directly affect tax policy and how nation's choose to tax their citizens.  Examining one's tax burdens can reveal a lot about a nation and about the visions political parties have for the future.

2010 Report on U.S. Tax Burden


PLP- Stefan Mangroo said...

The PLP believes that is true but however, it shows what it does for the people.

PLP said...

The PLP party thinks that the percent of people that doesn't have to pay an income tax is high. 47% of the people doesn't have to pay the tax. The PLP tax the people who can afford it, but not the poorer family with children that needs an education.

PLP-Taylor Estes said...

The PLP party believes in the Progressive income tax. We believe in giving tax credits to the poorer Americans, but not so much as to not bring enough money in for our country.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP believes that a progressive income tax would best suit the country. This is the most fair way to have the country as a whole pay taxes.

shannon miller said...

The PFP believes that a progressive tax system is indeed the best taxation system for the Franklin States of America. In a nutshell the lowest of incomes is taxed at a rate of 5% and the highest of incomes is taxed on a rate of 46%. To check out our full tax policy please visit

Kayla Hurt said...

The CRP believes that a flat tax would be a better taxation for the Franklin States of America. A flat tax would tax each individual/citizen at the same rate no matter the amount of money one makes. This allows each person to be equal on the level in which they are taxed. Thus, the wealthy would not be forced to pay a higher tax just because they have more money.