Monday, April 5, 2010

How to Limit Freedom?

The Nordonia News -

Religious freedom is considered by many to be a central tenet of any stable democracy.  It enables individuals the freedom to choose religious beliefs and conduct that reinforces their moral beings.  Yet, at times this can conflict with the wider state.  Where is the line between individual religous rights and the powers of the state?  Recent conditions in France bring this debate to the forefront for all.

Can Sarkozy Justify Banning the Veil?
Circumstances are decisive. What might be unthinkable in the U.S. looks more reasonable in France.


Emily Mobley said...

The PLP believes that all people should have the freedom to choose their own religion in which to participate, as well as the freedom to choose not to participate in any religion at all. We also believe that all citizens should be able to use any means to practice their religion, so long as these means do not break any federal, state, or local laws. The state should be completely separate from the church, as should all public schools. It is not the government’s place to tell citizens what to believe religiously, and limiting religious expression that is within the law should always be considered unjust and unconstitutional.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

Religious freedom is a key ingredient to the recipe of a democracy. Therefore, the FAP believes all citizens have the right to choose their own religion and practice it without government interference. The only way government would interfere is if it violates a national, state, or local laws. To restrict religious beliefs is to take away undeniable rights, so they should be protected in almost all situations. State and religion should not intertwine, especially not in public places like public schools and government buildings.

TUPP said...

TUPP believes that religious freedom is inherent right that everyone enjoys. We believe that the government should not put limits on a religion unless said religion puts them or anyone else in danger, or their practices violate a law established, as long as that law was not made for the purpose of stopping that religious practice. We also do not think that the government should establish a national religion nor states establish state religions.

LAP said...

The Liberocrat Alliance Party believes that the people should be able to practice the religion of their choosing. The people should not be forced to practice a religion, however. If a practice presents a clear danger or violates a state law, the government should step in. States often run into conflict with religious practices and state laws. Church and state should remain behind the "wall of separation."

Savannah said...

The LAP believes that it is the individuals right to determine his or her religion, also an individual is not forced to associate with any religion at all.

Even with no set religion, Americans are still one of the most religious countries in the world. The LAP plans to keep it that way by making sure that schools and public organizations are keeping a separation between government and the church. Our party would not go as far as France in banning headscarves and such because they promote a particular religion, but we would regulate religious practices if they go against either state or national laws already in place, such as a polygamy.

Savannah Miller- financial officer

Anonymous said...

The CRP believes that each citizen has the right and freedom in practicing the religion of their choice. It is also up to the citizen to decide whether to practice a religion or not. The CRP also believes that each citizen is guaranteed the freedom of religion as long as is it does not go against the federal, state and local laws. The states shall be completely separate from the church, for the government has no place in telling the people what to believe in and/or limiting religion. For if the government does so not only would it go against the constitution but the citizens would be deprived of their rights.

Tosha Little
CRP Leader