Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What's in a Name?

The Nordonia News -
Editorial Board

The old question goes, "what's in a name?" The answer, at least for this election cycle, is nothing. The NEC this afternoon announced the approval of five parties to compete in the upcoming General Assembly elections. Yet, little was revealed about the parties themselves. The five parties have seemingly adopted cryptic names leaving little clue as to where they stand on the major issues facing our nation. The names do not even reveal the ideological views of the parties. We have been given a Fanatical Party, yet know nothing of their "fanatical" beliefs. We were given a MAD Party, yet have no clue as to the root of their anger. There is a strangely named MCFARLAND Party. What is the message here? Team Papi? Color me confused. And finally, we have a ReganKnights Party. Does borrowing the name of an American president really speak of national pride? This board waits with baited breath.

Party Names by Country


Anonymous said...

Do not be so quick to judge a book by its cover. We, of Team PAPI, ask the same question, "What is in a name?" Do you elect leaders by their name or their policies? Should we be so quick to label ourselves as either liberal, conservative, or moderate? As a group, Team PAPI decides how it stands on issues. Certain times call for certain actions, whether those actions be liberal, conservative or moderate. During a time of economic prosperity, for example, we would not push to pass a stimulus package to boost Franklin's economy, but instead work on lowering the deficit in preperation for a possible economic meltdown (this tends to be a conservative view). On the other hand, during a major economic recession, we would not raise taxes, but instead cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy (this tends to be a liberal view). But may we remind everyone that a major issue today may not be a major issue tomorrow. We, as a nation, must decide what issues are top priority and Team PAPI, as your political party, will work together with you to decide how we handle that priority. Its all in the name, Political Affiliates Proposing Ideas. We have decided that the mixing of ideas is stronger than a one-dimensional mind and that together, Team PAPI will tackle any issue brought forth.


Blake Chaffins, Party Leader

Anonymous said...

We have called ourselves the ReaganKnight Party because we feel that the values of our party are the same as those of Ronald Reagan, the U.S.'s 40th President. Our national pride is very strong, just like the national pride of Reagan and his supporters. However, no one quite like Reagan has been found in our national history.

Megan Webb said...

There has been much skepticism in what the McFarland Party really means. The McFarland Party is named after the late and great James McFarland. This was not only the inspiration behind the McFarland Party's name, but has given the McFarland Party the much neeeded inspiration to run for election in this great Franklin States of America. A little background on the great James McFarland. He was not only a teacher that trained the mind of the newly formed McFarland Party, but was also a leader of the NHS at the one and only Franklin High School. Franklin High School and Franklin States of America a strangely similar name? He also shaped the mind of the young students as Academic Team supervisor, but did the greatness stop there with the amazingly great James McFarland? I think not! He did not only excel the mind of students, but also excelled the athletic abilities of the fine students of Franklin High School as a soccer coach. It was this man that lead the collaboration of Megan Webb, Joei Collins, Jaclyn Tusing, and Kaitlyn Coyle to form the McFarland Party. The great values and lessons learned from the great James McFarland will lead the McFarland Party to victory in this next election, and for many election to come. The McFarland Party may not be known yet, but is surely to never be forgotten after this election.

jknipper said...

The MAD party wishes to inform the media that our anger is drawn from the present state of our country and the economy of the world. We can and will do all that is neccessary to secure a strong and able country.

Anonymous said...

Much can be decided by a name, but only if one looks deeper than the letters that make it up. Fanatical is a synonym for passion, and what could be better than people with passion? A party of legislators dedicated to helping to transform a country, while citizens lead prosperous lives? Nothing! And that is who the Fanatical Party is! We're passionate leaders who will strive to keep The Franklin State’s of America’s best interests at heart, while keeping our citizens’ thoughts, beliefs, and civil liberties at the core of our policies.

A voter may come to a point in this election where many things may be too hard to handle. I, Taylor Jeromos, the leader and spokesperson of the Fanatical Party, promise that no matter how tough the fight gets, no matter how many obstacles or opponents get in our way, the Fanatical Party will serve our citizens best interests. We will set a new precedent—a new horizon to reach for— in this great nation. Together, we will help to build a better future for The Franklin States of America.

Taylor Jeromos, Leader and Spokesperson of the Fanatical Party, to all citizens