Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wallup Poll 2/27/09

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

TPP - 15%
RKP - 10%
MDP - 6%
MP - 6%
FP - 6%
Don't Know/No Opinion 57%


Anonymous said...

Team PAPI would like to give thanks to all supporters for keeping the reliance of our plans and goals. We would like to inform all citizens that major changes in the organization of the TPP will be taking place starting Friday.

Anonymous said...

I'm reminded of what Ronald Reagan said in his first Inaugural Address. "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem." The FSA don't need leaders who get MAD. They don't need leaders who are FANATICAL. They don't need Political Affiliates who only propose ideas. They need normal people with common sense solutions. Vote ReaganKnight!

Anonymous said...

What you are describing here Scott is a robot; no common sense and no soul. So I ask, what human doesn't get MAD? What human has never been FANATICAL? What living being has never had a moment of MCFARLAND from time to time? And I would hope that every human can propose ideas. What the F.S. needs is a REAL person, with REAL problems, and REAL solutions. Go ahead, vote PAPI. Everyone's doing it.