Saturday, February 21, 2009

To withdraw or not to withdraw...that is a the question.

The Franklin Times -

Speaking before the outgoing General Assembly, Prime Minister Mobley laid out an ambitious legislative agenda in her final weeks as Prime Minister. Frustrated by political infighting within the coalition and a seemingly unbreakable conservative opposition to her proposals, the prime minister seems set for one final legislative battle.

Mobley's number one concern has been the economic crisis gripping the country and her address did little to move off this issue. Having failed to negotiate a compromise stimulus bill that could win approval within her broad coalition, she has turned her focus to the ballooning deficit. As tax revenues have plummeted the nation's long tradition of balanced budgets has ended.

In her address, the prime minister made it clear that a stimulus package will have to wait for the next government, but she would make one last attempt to provide sound financial footing for that next government. Highlighting her philosophical beliefs, the prime minister made it clear that budgetary cuts would not be made in the realms of healthcare, education, or public assistance programs. "To deny the programs that assist the most vulnerable in our society of their worthy financial support, would be to violate the very values of this nation - that a neighbor in need must not be ignored."

Instead of cuts in these areas, the prime minister called for cuts in the current military operations in Iraq and cuts in the pay of public sector employees. "We must draw to a close our nation's military role in Iraq. The foolish interventionist policies instituted by our last king and my predecessor have cost this nation lives and billions in needed revenue. It is time to reestablish our nation's responsible foreign and military policies." She would go on to explain that a draw down of military forces in Iraq will save billions but would, by itself, not be enough. "We must also ask our public servants to sacrifice. Following the proposed models of our European neighbors, I am proposing cutting public wages by seven percent."

It remains unclear whether this deficit fighting plan will be able to garner any legislative support in the outgoing General Assembly. It is also unclear how the current parties will respond to the plan.


jknipper said...

The MAD party will Begin removing our armed forces from the country of Iraq. We feel that we have over stayed our welcome and and additional military action will not be neccessary. So on the election of our party, we will make it a top priority to remove our country's armed forces from Iraq.

scotttram said...

The ReaganKnights believe that while the United States should not withdraw yet, Iraq has become stable enought and that the U.S. no longer requires our assistance.

Anonymous said...

The MP party thinks that we need to pull the troops out to appeal the peoples interests. We are mainly concerned about what the people of the Franklin States of America. The people are unsatisfied about the amount of money being wasted in Iraq when it could be used to help our economic downfall. We will use the money coming from Iraq for public programs such as Healthcare and Education because they are needed for the survival of the Franklin States.

Anonymous said...

The Fanatical Party supports the withdraw of troops in Iraq. While our main priority is what is needed for the people of the Franklin States of America, we will work to create a timetable reasonable to other countries currently involved in Iraq. By withdrawing our troops we can use the money that was previously spent on unnecessary military endeavors to help our economy.

Anonymous said...

Team PAPI will remove troops from Iraq swiftly and efficiently. There is no time to dwell in a country that has lost all hope for itself and from our citizens. Instead of sending these troops back home to find jobs that are not available, we will deploy nearly all of these troops into Afghanistan to disintegrate Al Quaeda and the Taliban, since these terrorist groups pose the largest threat to our country and the rest of the world alike. We would like to extend an invitation to the U.S. to aid us in the disintegration of such terrorist groups in Afghanistan.