Thursday, February 26, 2009

Colleges warn students about Mexico travel

AP - By AMANDA LEE MYERS, Associated Press Writer

PHOENIX – The U.S. State Department and universities around the country are warning college students headed for Mexico for some spring-break partying of a surge in drug-related murder and mayhem south of the border.

"We're not necessarily telling students not to go, but we're going to certainly alert them," said Tom Dougan, vice president for student affairs at the University of Rhode Island. "There have been Americans kidnapped, and if you go you need to be very aware and very alert to this fact."

More than 100,000 high school- and college-age Americans travel to Mexican resort areas during spring break each year. Much of the drug violence is happening in border towns, and tourists have generally not been targeted, though there have been killings in the big spring-break resorts of Acapulco and Cancun, well away from the border.

The University of Arizona in Tucson is urging its approximately 37,000 students not to go to Mexico. Other universities — in the Southwest and far beyond, including Penn State, Notre Dame, the University of Colorado and the University at Buffalo — said they would call students' attention to the travel warning issued Feb. 20 by the State Department.

The State Department stopped short of warning spring breakers not to go to Mexico, but advised them to avoid areas of prostitution and drug-dealing and take other commonsense precautions.

"Sage advice," said Tom Mangan, a spokesman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. "We have had documented violence, attacks, killings, shootouts with the drug cartels involving not only the military but law enforcement personnel. It is indiscriminate violence, and certainly innocent people have been caught up in that collateral damage."

Mexico's drug cartels are waging a bloody fight among themselves for smuggling routes and against government forces, carrying out massacres and dumping beheaded bodies in the streets. More than 6,000 people were killed in drug violence in Mexico last year.

But Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora said in an interview with The Associated Press: "There is no major risk for students coming into Mexico in general terms. It is always important to advise the youngsters to behave."

Despite the bloodshed, the number of foreign tourists visiting Mexico surged to 23 million in 2008, up 5.9 percent from the year before, spurred in part by the tumbling value of the peso against the dollar, according to the country's Tourism Department. The department estimates 80 percent of tourists in Mexico come from the United States.

"Cancun has always been one of our most popular destinations and that hasn't changed this year," said Patrick Evans of STA Travel, one of the biggest spring-break travel agencies. "Many of the packages we offer include lodging on the beach and in very nice resorts that take the utmost pride in making sure customers are safe."

Some students said the warnings are unlikely to deter them.

University of Arizona sophomore Daniel Wallace is going to Puerto Penasco, or Rocky Point, for spring break, saying he is not worried about violence there. Besides, the 19-year-old said: "It's relaxing, it's warm, I'm a big fan of the beach and the drinking age is lower. It's a fun place to go."
Amanda Corbett, a sophomore at North Carolina State, said she is going snowboarding in Virginia because she couldn't afford Cancun. But three of her roommates are going there.

"They really wanted to go," the 20-year-old said. "Honestly, they probably think nothing will happen to them. That's the way I would look at it."

"If anything is going to deter people," said Danielle Jones, a North Carolina State student who is staying close to home because of a family emergency, "it's the recession."


Anonymous said...

The Fanatical Party wants to extend their support to all (especially institutions of higher learning) trying to protect citizens of America and Mexico. This is an issue of personal safety. One must always take responsibility for his/her actions, and what consequences result from those decisions.

Please know that while The Fanatical Party does not wish for Mexico to loose all their tourist revenue, we want to encourage people traveling to Mexico to be safe. Avoid places that one would call “shady,” and stay in area’s that are known to be large tourist destinations. In doing this, there will be less chance of attack, and everyone will know that they may safely have fun.
Lounge away!

Taylor Jeromos, The Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the Franklin States of America

Anonymous said...

To heck with Mexico's tourism industry. Their economy and government is about to collapse. A former CIA employee said that Mexico is the second-worst threat to the United States (under Iran) because of the drug violence. It can naturally be assumed that when, more than if, Mexico collapses, we will be subject to the threat as well. Mexico City had the most kidnappings in the world last year, followed by Phoenix, Arizona. The violence is starting to spill across the Mexico-U.S. border. Children in Mexico are afraid to go to school. We strongly discourage people from traveling to Mexico. Those that do go at their own risk.

Anonymous said...

The MP feels that traveling to a foreign country always has a danger to it in some way. The MP feels that students that wish to travel on spring break, as many do, should investigate the possible dangers and unpleasant situation that can occur in each country. The MP believes that universities should not discourage students from traveling abroad on spring break, but provide safety information/siminars on how to keep students safe. This would be much more beneficial, since a large portion of students will still travel to Mexico even though schools are advising not to.

Anonymous said...

Team PAPI believes that students should be warned of the dangers of traveling to a country with such high crime rates. All we can say is, don't go. Whether you choose to listen or not is your decision, but remember, the cost of not listening may be fatal. The government under TPP would put no restrictions on travel, but will keep the public informed of the violence that takes place within Mexico.

Anonymous said...

If you wish the FSA to be a world power, don't you think that we should support all countries in their efforts to bring in revenue? Last time I checked, Mexico was our alli.

The Fanatical Party wishes to assure countries that we will take it upon ourselves to respect all countries and their tourist industries.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA (and Mr.Trammell)