Friday, February 27, 2009

Big Early Push

The Franklin Times -

The TPP, which is currently leading in the most recent Wallup poll, has unveiled an aggressive campaign push.  Across every state the TPP is making moves to consolidate and expand their emerging political base.  Showing signs of a developing national campaign strategy, the TPP looks to compete everywhere.  In massive rallies in Conover, Capital State, Wayne, and Pennyroyal the TPP shows signs of strong organization.  At a rally in Conover, celebrating the opening of the party's headquarters there, TPP Leader Blake Chaffins took the podium in front of a massive crowd estimated to be 20,000 strong.  Chaffins addressed the cheering crowd highlighting his party's belief in common sense solutions to the nation's ills.  He made particular efforts to explain his party's commitment to the common man and to be a party for all citizens.  "I was highly impressed with his commitment to help the middle class," said Susan Welter, a privately employed accountant.  The TPP's early move does not assure a victory but it clearly marks a warning shot to their competitors.  The TPP is clearly looking to continue its lead and only build.


Anonymous said...

The TPP is very pleased with support of all who attended our massive campaign rallies. As you know there are now thirteen new headquarters (one per state). Trust us, these will not be the only changes being made, there are much more to come! Thank you all once again for your support.

Members of the TPP

Anonymous said...

The MCFARLAND party however may be at the bottom of the polls we are not going to give up. We may be under estimated and it is still early in the races. We will be having our own rallies where our leader, Megan Webb will be speaking on behave of the party and explaining to the people of Franklin States that we are very concerned about the country and we will do anything and everything we can to help our people. Supporters please keep backing us up, don't lose hope in us.

scotttram said...

Congratulations, TPP, for your early lead. Enjoy it while you have it because, well...

You have promised to govern with policies similar to that of President Barack Obama. So far, you are succeeding in following in his footsteps. What do you have in common? Your messages have no substance! You can win by telling people everything they want to hear and making them feel good. But think about it this way. Telling people what they want to hear is like feeding them sweets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh, they may like it at first, but eventually they will get sick of it. So enjoy your lead while you have it.

Anonymous said...

You are correct; we have been feeding the people of the F.S. delicious sweets. Sweets covered with a milk chocolate coating on the outside and crunchy peanuts on the inside. The taste, oh the taste of these assorted goodies is great. And the constant indulgence on these sweets will promote trust that the sweets will not turn tart. Is trust not what the people of this country need to embrace more than anything in the state of our economy? With trust in the stock market, will investors not buy more stock? And is it not true that buying more stock will bring more money to businesses? Further injecting more trust back into the economy? Why yes, yes it will. But back to my first point, which is the TTP’s assorted sweets and goodies. The chocolate coating I referred to is what I would like to call a sort of excitement, or stimulation, if you will. This is the initial jumpstart of your taste buds. The taste buds are a metaphor for our economy. Such chocolate might refer to tax cuts, but as you know, tax cuts can only sustain an economy for so long. This is where we move past the outside and look a little deeper. The peanuts hidden within the milk chocolate coating is the energy, or long term protein to sustain the excitement caused by the initial chocolaty stimulant. The peanuts are a metaphor for the programs that will be instilled through the stimulus package. These programs will include my “alternative fuel fetish,” along with many others. Though some may develop an allergic reaction within their mind, such as you, but they will have to deal with it. The party cannot please everyone, but tries to please the majority. For you and any others who I cannot please, I will serve a dark chocolate on your platters to mimic your bitter outlook on my views.