Saturday, March 31, 2007

Election Updates

The Franklin Times -

The NEC announced that the last two recognized parties have qualified for campaign funds and that the funds have been distributed to the Buckeye Party and the CAT Party. All recognized political parties now have full access to the publicly provided campaign funds.

The most recent Wallup Tracking Poll reveals dramatic changes in the campaign.

If the election were held today, which political party would you support?

LSP 20%, LRP 18%, MOR 7%, Manisrits 11%, Buckeye 9%, Free Conservatives 17%, CAT 6%, Unsure 12%

What is the most important issue to you in the upcoming election?

Economy 30%, Iraq War 20%, Healthcare 11%, Education 11%, Other 28%

Was the Iraq War a mistake?

Yes 51%, No 40%, Unsure 9%

The tracking poll reflects what many political analysts have been predicting. High interest in the first democratic election in Franklin's history combined with a vast spectrum of political views has created a very competitive campaign. Of particular interest are two clear trends. First, the two liberal parties, while still leading in the poll, have seen their support fall rapidly. Peter Andersen, a political scientist at Conover College, explained, "The Liberal parties have seen their support drop as naturally conservative voters have begun to support newly visible conservative parties. Additionally, it is clear that the RVA ad campaign has done damage. It seems clear now that no party can afford to ignore interest group ads. Parties will need to hit back and hit back hard." The second major trend is the emergence of the Conservative parties. The Free Conservatives, Buckeye Party and CAT Party have all seen their support rise in recent days. It is still unclear if one of these three will emerge as the nationally dominant conservative party and if they can extend their appeal beyond supporters of the current Iraq War.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Voice from the Wilderness?

The Franklin Times -

The election has just taken an interesting turn (to the right). A day following the beginning of a RVA ad assault on the liberal parties, the Free Conservatives have launched a media blitz. Unveiling a series of policy stances from the war to the environment the FCP has given voice to the long silent conservative movement. Paul Thorn, a political analyst, described this development, "The Free Conservatives have unveiled a well coordinated publicity blitz clearly designed to raise their name recognition and voter support. It is too early to see how this will translate in the polls, but coming off the heels of the RVA ad buy one is to wonder if this was a well coordinated strategy to let the liberal parties expose themselves to an attack from the right." While polling results will not be known right away the move has already had an impact. David Howard, leader of the FCC, announced in a late afternoon press conference that with the emergence of the FCP he will not pursue an electoral campaign of his own. Instead Howard stated that he will, "work with all my ability and resources to elect conservative candidates to the National Assembly." He was also quick to note, "It is far too early for the FCC to endorse the Free Conservatives but while their delayed emergence is worrisome it is a welcome change in this election campaign." At the end of the announcement Howard extended an invitation to meet and discuss the campaign with the Free Conservative Leader, Mr. Brent Sexton.

The Capital Courier -

Liberal allies are growing restless. It is becoming clear that the NWU and the FWA were unprepared for the RVA ad buy. These two unions, together representing 22% of Franklin's work force, clearly are still learning the electoral game. In an afternoon press conference, NWU deputy President Andrew St. Clair, denounced the RVA ad as factually and intellectually dishonest. He urged the parties to respond quickly to the ad to counteract its potential effect with voters. He also announced that the NWU was considering putting up ads to aid those parties that support the union workers and the unFranklin like practice of outsourcing.

King Guy engaged in "holding action"

The Capital Courier -

Royal sources have confirmed that King Guy is engaging in what has been described as a "holding action" in terms of government policies. Sources within the Royal Palace explain that that King will not make any new policy decisions before the election. The King has expressed his reluctance to adopt new policies that would conflict with future policies of Franklin's first democratically elected government. This means that proposed reforms on education, the environment, and even on possible troop level increases will be left to the next government. Daniel Webber, a political scientist at Franklin National University, explained the ramifications of this decision, "This raises the stakes dramatically in the election. Now the winning party or coalition will have broad authority to set important and precedent setting policy decisions on a whole range of issues." He added, "Expect this decision to motivate the interest groups to step up their pressure on the political parties."

This statement already appears to be coming true. Yesterday, the Royal Veterans Association (RVA) launched an attack ad on the Liberal Rights Party, Liberal States Party, and the Manisrits Party. The ad criticizes the parties on their Iraq War stances. The ad ends with this critical line, "Can Franklin really trust political parties that would surrender the Middle East to fundamentalist Islam?" The ad is currently running in two states: Capital State and North Winsota.

The ad appears designed to decrease the growing support of these parties. A recent Wallup Poll revealed that there is strong support of these parties:

If the election were held today, which political party would you support?

LSP 24%, LRP 22%, MOR 5%, Manisrits 12%, Buckeye 4%, Free Conservatives 7%, CAT 4%, Unsure 22%

The EPC also confirmed that three parties (the Manisrits, the Free Conservatives, and MOR Party) have agreed to speak at their annual convention on April 3rd. All parties who submit a reservation and speech by April 2nd will also be permitted to speak.

The NEC announced that due to the recent Wallup Polling results the MOR Party has qualified to receive its reserved campaign funds.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Troop Surge a Possibility

The Capital Courier -

Sources within the Royal Armed Forces have revealed intense discussions over the issue of a "surge" or increase in military personnel in Iraq. According to sources, the RAF was petitioned by the U.S. to consider a troop increase in Iraq to assist their own troop surge in Baghdad. It is rumored that an additional 1,200 troops could be sent to Iraq, bringing the total number of Franklin military personnel in country to 3,500. However, there appears to be some opponents of the plan in the RAF and within the King's own War Council. Furthermore, it is unclear if the King would send additional troops before the upcoming election, since his role as commander-in-chief will end when the new democratically elected government takes control.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gulf Tensions?

The Franklin Times -

Could tensions be growing in the Middle East? Over the weekend the U.N. Security Council voted unanimously to expand economic sanctions against Iran in response to its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. This move came on the heals of Iran's seizure of British sailors late last week. F.S.A., which is not an official member of the U.N., but is represented by an U.N. envoy, supported the sanctions move. Andrew Tangrave, the King's representative at the U.N. stated, "It is clear that Iran needs to be held responsible for these aggressive actions. The King and Franklin stand behind the U.N. and our Western allies in this move." Many are worried that this move could increase tensions. Already gas prices in Franklin have hit a three year high in response to uncertainty in the region.

Monday, March 26, 2007

NEC News

The Franklin Times -

The NEC issued a statement this afternoon declaring that campaign funds will be released to two additional parties. In the statement the director of NEC stated that the $30 million set aside for the Manisrit Party and the Free Conservatives will be released to their campaigns. The director explained that according to internal polling these two parties had reached the 5% support threshold to receive funds.

The most recent Wallup Opinion Poll results...

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

LSP 28%; LRP 19%; MOR 4%; Manisrit 6%; Buckeye 3%; Free Conservatives 5%; CAT 4%; Unsure 31%

Do you feel satisfied with the electoral choices offered?

Yes 44%; No 50%; Unsure 6%

The poll found growing support for the Manisrit Party but wariness of the party name. Adam Wulff, a Wallup pollster explained, "Many voters, especially women, are confused and even wary of the party's name." Additionally, the poll found support for a conservative party and even a desire of a party reflecting conservative views on the economy, security and social issues.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Interest Group News

The Capital Courier -

The NEC has just released its list of recognized interest groups. The NEC has recognized and certified 11 interest groups representing a wide range of issues and views. Recognition and certification allows these groups to be actively involved in the campaign. These groups can hold rallies, fund raise, volunteer and endorse political parties. The Capital Courier in cooperation with The Franklin Times has created an interest group index which reveals the current views these groups have toward the political parties. All are encouraged to investigate this index on the Interest Group Page on the Franklin Election wiki.

The Environmental Protection Council (EPC), one of the certified interest groups, has announced its annual national convention will be held on Tuesday, April 3rd. It is inviting representatives from the seven political parties to speak at its convention. Any party interested in speaking is to reply by April 2nd with an attached speech transcript. "We hope all the parties will attend and inform our members of their plans to protect and defend our precious environment," said Eric Greene, President of EPC.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Gap Widens

The Franklin Times -

According to the most recent polling data, the electoral gap continues to grow. According to the most recent Wallup tracking poll released today, two parties continue to dominate. Additionally, it appears that their support is being driven largely by momentum. In this poll, LSP support has surged 8% points and LRP support grew 7%. Meanwhile, the remaining parties are polling dismally. The other five parties remain in the low single digits.

If the election were held today, which political party would you support?

LSP 26%; LRP 18%; MOR 4%; Manisrits 3%; Buckeye 3%; Free Conservatives 4%; CAT 4%; Unsure 38%

"This election continues to defy all political science research on multi-party systems," explained Eli Vance, a political consultant. "It is not uncommon for two dominant parties to emerge, but they rarely develop on the same side of the political spectrum. However, this election is far from over, the large number of undecided voters shows the potential is there for a competitive race, if a viable conservative party ever emerges."

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Updated Wallup Polling and NEC News

The Franklin Times -

Wallup Poll:

The Wallup Polling Institute announced the beginning of its election tracking poll. This poll will be updated daily and represents a composite of polling across a three day period. Wallup announced it will begin to sell polling data to media outlets and political parties. However, in the spirit of democracy, Wallup released its first poll's results:

If the election were held today, which political party would you support?

LSP - 18%; LRP - 11%; MOR - 3%; Manisrits - 2%; Buckeye 3%; Free Conservatives 4%; CAT 3%; Unsure - 56%

Do you have strong knowledge of the following political parties (percentage is "yes" answer):
LSP - 49%; LRP 41%; MOR 9%; Manisrits 8%; Buckeye 10%; Free Conservatives 9%; CAT 8%

National Election Commission Announcement:

The Director of the NEC, which oversees the election procedures and spending, announced he would release the $30 million election budget provided for each political party, to the following two parties: LSP and LRP. In the public announcement, the director explained that campaign funds will be released to any party that polls over 5% in a Wallup Poll. The LSP and LRP are the only two parties meeting that criteria. The LSP and LRP are now free to spend their funds on campaign organization, advertising, and research. Flush with cash and with already established strong communication networks these two parties are set to dominate the electoral map.

The Right's Missing Messager

The Nordonia News -

This week, the FCC (Franklinites for Conservative Change), a conservative interest group, is holding its annual meeting in the birthplace of Franklin conservatism, Nordonia. This city, like much of the State of Bennett is conservative country. These have long been the supporters of traditionalism but have also been the champions of limited government. It was in Nordonia, David Howard (leader of the FCC) reminded his supporters that the first battle against tyranny was waged in 1954. In was in that year that Royal troops had fired on peaceful demonstrators, beginning the long struggle to reign in the Franklin monarchy. Howard, in a fiery keynote address, told his supporters that another chapter in this long struggle for limited government had begun. "The election of 2007 must go down in Franklin's history as the birth of a conservative democracy based on the traditional values of this great nation," He yelled. "It is your responsibility to support those candidates who fulfill the promises of our future. Less taxes! Less terrorism! Less government! You are the knights of conservatism and now we wait for our standard bearer!" Howard's speech was not simply a rallying cry for these conservative supporters. It was also a clear cry of a conservative political voice. Howard's FCC, according to analysts, has tens of thousands of volunteers and millions to spend if they can be rallied by a political party. FCC insiders have also hinted that Howard could announce his own candidacy if no conservative political party steps forward in the coming days.

The Left Surging, the Right Missing?

The Capital Courier -

The election has just begun, but some analysts are wondering if it is already over. Surprising the most seasoned of political observers the parties on the left, the LSP and LRP, have shown tremendous organizational and communication skills. "It is clear already which parties have the tools for electoral victory," commented Paul McGuire, political reporter from the NYT who is covering the Franklin election. "The two parties of the left have already developed efficient communication systems to reach their voters, which is an essential component of any effective campaign." Meanwhile, conservatives throughout Franklin are growing restless. David Howard, leader of Franklinites for a Conservative Change, a special interest group, has expressed this frustration. Howard said, "I, along with many of my members, simply don't understand where the conservative voices are in these debates. Don't the parties know the campaign has begun?" Howard went on to explain that without quick correction the right may be headed to electoral disaster as many conservatives may simply stay home on election day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Global Warming

The Capital Courier -

Reports indicate a dramatic showdown is occurring within the Royal Council on the hot-button issue of global warming. Global warming has recently become both a global and national issue. Today, in the United States, former Vice President Al Gore appeared before Congress in a hearing about global warming. Gore advised lawmakers to cut carbon dioxide and other warming gases 90 percent by 2050 to avoid a crisis. Doing that, he said, will require a ban on any new coal-burning power plants — a major source of industrial carbon dioxide — that lack state-of-the-art controls to capture the gases. Sources have revealed that King Guy has expressed concern over the global warming issue, especially after viewing Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth. However, the Monarchy has never ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which calls for industrial nations to reduce their pollutant levels. Additionally, the sources reveal, while the King has expressed concern, it is unclear that any action will be taken. "This issue cuts to the heart of people," explained Dr. Tom Howard, a political scientist at Conover University, "No one is favor of Global Warming, the real question is what do we do about it and at what cost?" Many analysts agree, the King will pass on the decision in order for the issue to be properly debated in the election.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Polls Upcoming

The Telmer Telegraph -

The NEC has announced the names of the seven recognized political parties. Initial reports indicate that the parties represent a wide spectrum of political beliefs and policies. The Wallup Polling Institute, a newly created polling company, looks to earn millions as the parties depend on polling to gauge public support. Ian Trandell, millionaire and founder of WPI, has explained how his company plays a critical role in the democratic process. Trandell has also offered a free poll to the first political party who contacts him through the Frank Talk blog. The poll is valued at $500,000 and will provide national opinions and party support levels. Let the polling begin!


The Nordonian News -

The current Royal Education Minister, Geoffrey Channel, has proposed a series of reforms in the nation's schools. Channel's recommendations are being pushed through the Royal Council before the upcoming election. Included in the reforms: banning of all teacher unions; mandated national testing at every grade from 1st through 12th; and a ban on all Muslim headscarves in public schools. It is unclear if King Guy will sign these recommendations into law before the election. As Dr. Tony Smith, a political science professor at Frankling National University, stated, "The King's motivations are unclear here. It is unlikely such measures would be adopted before the election if the parties made their opposition clear."
Geoffrey Channel, long known for ultra-conservative views, explained that these reforms are needed to improve education. "It is clear that the one force that is holding our nation's youth back is powerful teacher unions that demand too much for too little," He added, "Some will question the need for the headscarves ban, but these people ignore the fundamental beliefs of most Franklinites. This is a Christian nation and therefore our schools should reflect the fact."

Monday, March 19, 2007

Unemployment Rising

The Telmer Telegraph -

Government economic figures show an increase in the unemployment rate. Unemployment jumped to 6.7%, an increase of nearly two percentage points in six months. The report cites the "outsourcing" of jobs in the manufacturing sector as the main cause. Capital State and Schenck were hit the hardest, each with an current unemployment rate at 8.9%. A number of leaders from the organized labor movement have already called on National Assembly candidates to make their trade and economic views clear. "We want to know, do these parties stand with the worker or the wealthy?" commented Alistar Campell, leader of the United Workers Union.

2 Die in Iraq

The Nordonia News -

The Royal Armed Forces announced the death of two soldiers in Baghdad. Both died in an IED attack while on patrol. The two soldiers are both from the State of Wayne. The RAF's press release stated that their names will be released after contact is made with the families. The Royal Armed Forces currently has 2,300 military personnel deployed in Iraq in support of Coalition forces. These deaths mark the 34th and 35th military fatality since 2003.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

First Poll

The Capital Courier -

The election has not even begun and the first poll is out! The Wallup Polling Institute has just released its first poll in the 2007 election.

The Poll of 1600 registered voters asked the following questions:

1. Do you plan to vote in the upcoming democratic election?

Yes - 86%; No - 10%; Unsure - 4%

2. How would you describe your political ideology?

Very Liberal - 20%; Liberal - 15%; Moderate - 17%; Conservative - 30%; Very Conservative - 10%; Unsure - 8%

3. What is the most important issue for you today?

War on Terrorism - 22%; Economy - 22%; Health Care - 10%; Unsure - 46%

Election Time

The Franklin Times -

As the nation awaits the beginning of its first democratic election, the political parties prepare themselves for a long and spirited fight. King Guy, has named J. McFarland to be Director of the National Election Commission, which will oversee the election. McFarland has issued seven political party notices and plans to release their official names by Tuesday, March 20th.