Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final National Debate Rules

The National Debate Commission

The commission's final debate session rules are as follows:
Opening: party leaders will be given 2 minutes to answer the following prompt: Why should voters support your party?
Round 1: party leaders will answer questions from members of a live audience.  These questions could be about any issue or policy.  The respondent will have two minutes to respond to the question asked.  The moderator will reserve to right to throw out any question asked.
Round 2: the moderator will ask final followup questions.  These questions can be on any topic and respondents will be given two minutes to respond.
Closing: party leaders will be given one minute for final remarks.


Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

I wish all of my opponents the best of luck in the upcoming debate. Do not fall ignorant of the RKP lies of prosperity and hope; for the only hope they have is false hope through their free market and Hooveresque style policies.

Tyler Dillon said...

I wish all opponents good luck and for the debate to be one that goes down in history. As for our lies of prosperity and hope, well they are not lies. This is only jealousy.

Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

The TPP has nothing to be jealous of; we enjoy the pleasure of a majority support regarding our party and policies. If I am not mistaken, the RKP was on the butt-end of many of the policy attacks in the first session of the Final National Debate.