Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final National Debate Rules

The National Debate Commission will host the last national debate on May 7th and 8th.  The debate will be held in the nation's capital and will consist of two debate sessions.  

The first session will follow the following structure:
Opening: Each party will be allotted two minutes for opening remarks
Round 1: Each party will be given a five minute question period.  During this period the party leader will be permitted to question other party leaders of their choice.  They may question all other party leaders, just one, or any combination.  The questioning is totally up to them and may ask about any topic.  The questioner also will be able to cut off the leader being questioned.
Round 2: Each party leader will be given two minutes to respond to anything from Round 1.
Closing: Each party leader will be given one minute to deliver any closing remarks. 

1 comment:

Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

I wish luck upon all opponents for the upcoming debate. Be prepared for a plethora of questions from the TPP, as I will be expecting a plethora of questions from all other parties.