Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wallup Polling 4/8/09

Wallup Daily Tracking Poll 4/8/09

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

TPP: 34%
FP: 24%
RKP: 22%
MDP: 4%
MP: 4%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 12%

Today's tracking poll indicates some major movement in voter opinions and support. The TPP has opened up a 10% lead over its nearest rival, the FP. This is the largest margin in weeks and indicates growing support for the TPP among self-identified moderate voters. Both the FP and RKP, while attracting solid and faithful support have failed to break outside their traditiona constituencies. While their current support seems fairly stable, their message has not translated into moderate/centralist support. The number of undecided voters also continued to grow, today reaching a four week high. The twelve percent of voters identifying themselves as undecided have come from a dramatic decrease in the earlier support for the MDP and MP.

Other Numbers:
The Wallup Polling Corp. asked a series of additional questions. The results are found below.

Do you support raising taxes on those making over $250,000 a year?
Yes: 73%
No: 21%
DK/NO: 6%

Should government support a financial package to help stimulate the economy?
Yes: 58%
No: 30%
DK/NO: 12%

Should the government do more to help the economy?
Yes: 76%
No: 20%
DK/NO: 4%

Other than the economy, what is the top voting issue for you?
Healthcare: 40%
Education: 19%
Energy: 10%
Other: 31%

Should the government do more to make healthcare more affordable?
Yes: 67%
No: 23%
DK/NO: 10%

Does the current economic system favor the wealthy, the middle-class, the poor, or all equally?
Wealthy: 60%
Middle-class: 15%
Poor: 5%
Equally: 10%
DK/NO: 10%


Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

The TPP appreciates all of its support and wishes to grow upon this support. Obviously, the growing trends in the views of the Franklin people coincide with the growing support of the TPP and raises many questions as to what the RKP will do in response to these new statistics.

For too long the RKP has criticized the TPP's economic plan and now they are the ones to witness what the Franklin people really want; an active government. The Franklin people do not want leaders who will sit around and "Do Nothing" while we face an enormous economic crisis (as the RKP suggests we do), but instead want leaders such as the TPP that will do anything and everything to help the F.S. fight its way out of the drastically declining economy. This crisis is only to grow worse and worse as the current government does less and less to put a hault to the economic decline. With such a horrid crisis, the economy can not, and has never been able to rebound on its own. Former U.S. President Hoover proved this point when he played out the RKP's suggestion of "Doing Nothing" to the T. Conservateive Hoover watched his country's economy crash and burn into further depression, leaving the Liberal Roosevelt to pick up after his filth (which FDR did an outstanding job in doing so). But is this not the American way? We are seeing history repeat itself in America as power has transferred from Conservative to Liberal (Bush to Obama) in another economic crisis and once again, it will be the liberal care of the majority that will bring the U.S. out of its economic disaster, as it will be the same for the F.S.

Liberals, the TPP, and people for the people will bring the F.S. out of economic chaos, not Conservatives, the RKP, or people for the wealthy. So the TPP begs of you, for the sake of the economy and the F.S., do not buy into the RKP's intolerant, misguided, and unclear filth.

Scott Trammell said...

Mr. Chaffins should read more history. Maybe then he would understand it and know what he was talking about. Hoover did not just sit back and watch, as some mistakenly believe. Hoover ordered federal departments to speed up construction projects. He contacted all forty-eight state governors to make a similar appeal for expanded public works. He went to Congress with a $160 million tax cut, coupled with a doubling of resources for public buildings and dams, highways and harbors. His own vice president called him a socialist because of this. These projects did nothing to help the economy, instead they just caused more harm. FDR came into office and made an even bigger mess with some of his proposed programs, many of which were ruled unconstitutional. He harshly criticized and even punished some of his opponents for disagreeing with them. (Now who would do a thing like that?) The New Deal did nothing to end the Depression, rather the entry of America into WWII. The Weimar Republic (Germany) was hit extremely hard by the post-WWI economic downturn. They, too, tried to fix the problem by just printing more money, much like the U.S. is doing. So yes, Blake, history is repeating itself. Unfortunately, you, like so many others, don't realize what happened after that. The hyperinflation that was spawned by the massive influx of new cash made money so worthless, it took several million dollars just to buy a loaf of bread. Money was only valuable as a fuel source--so people burned it to heat their homes. The economic turmoil was so bad that people would listen to anyone who promised change, and the fascist Nazi party soon ascended to power, mostly by blaming another group for all their problems. I am not calling Mr. Chaffins a Nazi or comparing him to Hitler, and I am not predicting that such an event will happen in the FSA, but those that actually know history can avoid repeating it.

Megan Webb said...

The McFarland Party would like the people of the Franklin States we have not forgotten about them. The MP is still fighting to secure votes from all the people of the Franklin States, and are fighting for all citizens of this great nation. Please do not lose hope in the MP.

Taylor Jeromos-FP Party Leader and Spokesperson said...

The FP would like to thank the FSA people for their continued support. We are happy that we continue to be in the top running bracket of the race. Please, stay Fanatical! And tell your friends, we would love to know that our policies are reaching out to an even wider base.

Taylor Jeromos, FP Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

You may be right, Scott. Let this sink in for this does not happen often.... Ok, ready? You may be right that Hoover made tax cuts and increased spending for dams, highways, and the lot. Obviously this wasn't enough; Hoover put too little effort into the areas that didn't matter to the economy. It has been proven that under the Hoover administration the U.S. economy only continued to spiral on a downward slope. You may also be right that many of FDR's programs (not proposed programs; in order for a program to be declared unconstitutional it must be enacted first; just a small history check for you) were declared unconstitutional. But by whom we may ask? A highly conservative U.S. Supreme Court. Only until after the Court saw the U.S. economy sink lower into depression did they change their minds, allowing FDR to revive the economy as he would have if the Court had not stood in his path. This is where you start to be proven wrong now, Scott. Your popular misconception that World War II brought the U.S. economy out of recession is false. The economy was already on a prosperous and steady inclination years before World War II. The economy may have prospered even more if the U.S. had not spent countless dollars rebuilding the cities of Germany and Japan, and instead injected that money into the U.S. If my facts are correct, Scott, Roosevelt DID bring the U.S. out of its economic downturn and his programs are STILL (after 70 years) alive and running in the U.S. Correct me if I am wrong, but no "true conservative" can say as much in regards to the U.S. economy. Please, Scott, I beg of you, end this useless charade of misconstruities for I am tired of proving you wrong.