Monday, January 19, 2009

Foreign Policy Debates

The Capital Courier -

World events over the past month point to crucial self-defining issues which this nation must wrestle with. Over the past three weeks, Israelis and Palestinians have been engaged in savage war with one another. With Hamas firing rockets into civilian centers within Israel, and the Israeli Defense Forces responding with military operations that have killed over 1200 Palestinians, it becomes clear that the Middle East peace process is once again stalled. As the election cycle develops it is hoped by this newspaper's editorial staff that the parties will develop and unveil comprehensive policies for dealing with Mid-East violence. This newspaper understands our nation's role will be limited, but that does not mean we cannot have a voice. Our longstanding friendship with the United States and Europe creates a platform from which to be heard. Furthermore, our own nation's sizable Jewish and Muslim populations must see engagement in this issue.

Yet, our relationship with the United States must not end with the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Our neighbor to the south looks to history, as it inaugurates its first African American president. The Presidency of Barack Obama promises to bring profound change within the U.S. and in how it deals with the rest of the world. Franklin must use this opportunity to further define our relationship with our neighbor. Among the many issues that must be resolved is our mutual cooperation in the war on terror. It is clear that we must work closely in this global struggle against radical ideologies built on hate and domination. Yet, we must also protect and guard our nation's fledgling democracy and commitment to the rule of law. Recently, the Ministry of Homeland Security and the Ministry of Defense released previously classified reports detailing Franklin's involvement in the interrogation of suspected terrorists. While many aspects of this cooperation remain unknown it has become clear that, at least at some level, Franklin intelligence and military personnel were engaged in renditions and "harsh interrogations" of suspected terrorists. As the election proceeds, the political parties need to explain their visions of our nation's character and how they would wage this global war on terror.

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