Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interests Groups Enter the Fray

The Capital Courier -

As the election heats up, political parties are not the only agents to consider. While the seven political parties competing in the 2008 election are new, the interest groups representing like minded citizens are not. All of the nationally recognized interest groups from the 2007 election have maintained their organization and are looking at the parties carefully. These interest groups, like in elections throughout the United States, can play a powerful role in the electoral process. These groups possess the ability to spend money on independent advertising, and energize their supporters to support one party over another. In the 2007 election there were intense battles for endorsements from these groups.

In related news, two interest groups (the World Affairs Council and the Royal Veterans Association) announced plans to hold a joint conference to discuss the global issues facing the nation. In a joint new conference, the spokesmen from both organizations invited the political parties to address the conference. Any party wishing to participate are asked to submit a five to ten minute speech outlining their visions for a future foreign policy on their webpages and submit a copy to the moderator of the event, NEC Director Mr. J. McFarland by Friday, April 4th.


Anonymous said...

Although taking the moral high ground is the right thing to do in this situation, I am not sure if boycotting the upcoming Olympics sends the right message across, not only to those living within the Franklin States who take great pride in watching their fellow countrymen compete on the international stage, but also to the other countries who will be showcasing their talent on this stage. The Free Moderate Party feels that politics should be taken out of play in this situation. We do not want our elite athletes, nor our citizens to suffer at our hands. The Olympics is a chance for all countries to join together, and what kind of message would the Franklin States be sending if we were to boycott these events? The Olympics were not created as a way to express a nation's political opinion, rather a way to unite all nations, despite their differences. We can still show our dissapproval with China, not by boycotting the Olympics, but throught negotiations between both nation's top politicians. Let the Free Moderate Party be there for you, citizens of Franklin States. Help us to express our opinions not through selfish boycotts, but through peaceful negotiations.

Anonymous said...

It is my pleasure to announce that the FDRP will most definately be participating in this catastrophic event for endorsements. Though the personal views of individual citizens is our main concern,MONEY IS A NECESSARY EVIL!Thank you for your time!
FDRP Advertising Committee

Anonymous said...

The FMP also has plans of competing for endorsements from the World Affairs Council and the Royal Veterans Association, but unlike the FDRP money is not our main concern. The main concern of the FMP is to represent the people through a fair and open government, and we are going to do our best to achieve this in the Franklin States of America

Anonymous said...

I personally am interested in seeing how these two parties will work out this conflict of dirty politics. It's kind of early to be slinging mud...when you throw mud,you just get dirty! I wonder how FDRP will respond to the FMP's comments. I personally would rather hear about what a party has to offer rather than what a party does wrong. I want a leader not a player in this game of government.

Anonymous said...

THe FMP understands the concerns of citizens about dirty politics coming into play this election. We also understand that citizens want a political party that will rise above the others, taking the moral high ground and avoiding the dirty game of politics. The FMP promises to focus more on getting its policies out there for the citizens of Franklin States to hear, instead of tearing other parties and their members to pieces. "For all those far and in between..." Let the FMP party be there for you!


Anonymous said...

If the FMP party dont wnat dirty politcis then why did they insult the FDR party already ? Are you saying one thing and doing another? I am confused at what type of election you want . In order to get my vote i must belive all the words you say.