Saturday, March 8, 2008

First National Poll

The Capital Courier -

The election has not even begun and the first poll is out! The Wallup Polling Institute has just released its first poll in the 2008 election. The Poll of 2200 registered voters asked the following questions:

1. Do you plan to vote in the upcoming democratic election?
Yes - 86%; No - 10%; Unsure - 4%

2. How would you describe your political ideology?
Very Liberal - 20%; Liberal - 15%; Moderate - 17%; Conservative - 30%; Very Conservative - 10%; Unsure - 8%

3. What is the most important issue for you today?
Economy - 40%; National Security/Iraq - 22%; Health Care - 10%; Unsure - 28%

4. Do you approve of the leadership of Prime Minister Sexton?

Strongly Approve: 30%; Approve: 10%; Strong Disapprove: 30%; Disapprove 10%; Unsure: 20%

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the even numbers!