Sunday, May 20, 2007

Free Conservatives Win in Close Election

The Franklin Times -

The National Elections Commission announced that the Free Conservative Party has emerged from the weekend elections with the most seats in the National Assembly. The NEC is projecting that in the new National Assembly, the Free Conservative Party will control anywhere from 85 to 95 seats. The Liberal States Party is projected to come in second with around 70 seats and the Liberal Rights Party in third with around 60 seats.

King Guy has issued a formal declaration granting the FCP leader, Mr. Brent Sexton, the formal authority to begin negotiations to form a coalition government. Mr. Sexton, while controlling the most seats in the Assembly, still faces a tough challenge. At the most, his party will control 27% of the seats and now must weigh his coalition partner options.

Yet, such calculations cannot begin until final numbers are determined on Monday. For now, the FCP can celebrate in its victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The MOR Party would like to congratulate the FCP and look forward to working with them, along with the rest of the parties, in an effective coalition.