Sunday, May 6, 2007

Labor Endorses

The Capital Courier -

The National Workers Union announced this afternoon its full endorsement of the Liberal Rights Party. After yesterday's closed door meeting between NWU and LRP leaders, the nation's largest labor organization stated that, "The Liberal Rights Party has demonstrated a clear connection and commitment with Franklin's working class. The union will dedicated our membership and money to supporting this great party in the upcoming election." This endorsement represents a major boost for the LRP as it looks to separate itself from the other leftist parties. The NWU also announced it was beginning an aggressive ad campaign against what it referred to as the "unfair trade" policies advocated by the FCP.

Wallup Tracking Poll: 5/3/07

LSP: 15%; LRP 19%; Manisrits 14%; MOR 10%; Buckeye 7%; FCP 22%; CAT 13%


Anonymous said...

We of the Liberal Rights Party would again like to thank The National Workers Union for endorsing our party. The working class is the backbone of our country and needs to be well protected. With this endorsement, winnning the election should be no problem.

Anonymous said...

We would like to thank the people for their support in our party and we would like to remind them that we will not fail to serve the people once we are elected to the government. So once again thanks for all the support, and we promise to not let the citizens of the Franklin States of America down.