Sunday, May 13, 2007

Debate Fallout

The Franklin Times -

The nation's first televised debate was held on Friday, May 11th and from initial reports was well received. Analysts place viewership at 14 million, over half of all eligible voters. The debate was the first time many voters got to see the competing political visions of Franklin debated. The topics ranged from the War in Iraq to the environment to the trade debate. Some of the strongest differences between the parties was on display when the Iraq War and trade were discussed. The left leaning parties were clear in their view that Royal troops should be withdrawn from Iraq, while many of center-right parties favored continued support for the military operation there. While it is certainly too early to name winners or losers, some parties clearly helped cement their support. The debate will continue on Monday, May 14th in the final debate before the election.

Environment Protection Council Endorses:

The EPC announced its full endorsement of the Manisrits Party and the Liberal States Party. The EPC explained that while there were numerous parties that had advocated environmentally friendly policies, these two parties made the environment a central tenet in their political philosophies.

Wallup Tracking Poll: May 13th

LSP: 15%; LRP: 16%; Manisrits: 14%; MOR: 10%; Buckeye: 8%; Free Conservative Party 23%; CAT: 11%; Unsure: 3%
Wallup analysts reveal that with such a wide spectrum of voter support a coalition government is almost a certainty

Election Date Change:

King Guy has ruled that due to polling equipment problems, the election date will be moved back to Friday, May 18 and Saturday, May 19th. Problems in rural western polling sites and some inner city polling sites had forced the FCP, the LSP, and the LRP to issue a direct plea to the King to delay the election.

Buckeye Negative Ads:

Negative campaign ads have been hitting the Franklin airwaves for weeks now, but the Buckeye Party's ads have hit some nerves. While the major parties have targeted their ideological opposites, the Buckeye Party has hit their fellow conservatives hard. In a series of ads targeting the leading Free Conservative Party, the Buckeye Party has questioned the competence of the FCP leadership. While such tactics are not new in western style parliamentary democracies, the question remains whether such attacks will hurt Buckeye chances of entering a coalition, if the FCP emerge with the most National Assembly seats.

Newspaper Endorsements:

The Nordonia News: The Free Conservative Party - "This party represents the clear vision of a proper conservative party by embracing the notion that only through free choice can a society reach greatness."

The Franklin Times: Liberal States Party - "The Liberal States Party has run both a strong and flawed campaign, but has showcased the seriousness needed for a ruling party. Its commitment to social justice and to ending the flawed foreign policy of misguided intervention makes it the best choice."

The Capital Courier: Manisrits Party and MOR Party - "As is all too often the trend in western democracies, the political debate has been dominated by left and right parties. Yet, Franklin has another option that reflects the only real chance to unify our nation. That choice, which we endorse, is to take the moderate road."


Anonymous said...

We, of the FCP, would like to thank the citizens for their support once again. We believe that we are going to make a stand in the debate to let the people know exactly where we stand so they know that we are a reliable party for government. At the next debate session we plan to target main questions that are overlooked and see what the other parties really have planned for the nation's future. We would like to thank everyone again for their great support for the party.

Anonymous said...

We of the Liberal Rights Party would like to thank everyone that turned out to watch the debate. We would also like to thank all the citizens of the Franklin States of America for all their support. Unlike some of the other parties, we were not ashamed to stand by our beliefs. Due to a shortage in time, we were not able to speak some of our other main priorities: we want to do all we can to protect the environment and the rights/liberties of our citizens. Once again, thanks for all your support!

Anonymous said...

We of the LSP would like to thank the citizens of the Franklin States for tuning in to the debate. It is comforting to know that such a large portion of the country takes a serious interest in the election. We would also like to thank several other groups as well.

First, we apprectiate the endorsement given to us by the EPC. We are happy to see that they have agreed with us on our positions. The environment is a serious topic to consider, and it should not be taken lightly.

Next, we would like to thank The Franklin Times for their support. While this race has not been an easy one, all support given to us is not wasted. We still have high hopes, and this endorsement has proven optimistic.

Finally, the LSP would like to thank all other groups that participated in the debate. We feel that this publicized competition is healthy for a democratic society.

Once again, thank you to all parties involved. Remember, "The LSP will clean up the future with our ideas!"