Monday, April 2, 2007

General Campaign News

The Franklin Times -

EPC Convention Approaches

Final preparations are being made for the annual national convention of the Environment Protection Council (EPC), which is being held in South Winsota's capital, Milwaukee. Delegates from around the F.S.A. will be in attendance at the meeting, which because of the upcoming election has taken on new significance. Eric Greene, President of EPC, described how the election has increased the power and influence his group has. "Now that political parties have to compete for power they need the people," He explained, "as of now five of the major parties are planning on addressing our delegation; presenting their environmental platforms. It is clear that an endorsement from our organization will go a long way to assuring electoral victory in May."

Labor March

The streets of Bordeaux, Irondequiot were filled with the supporters of organized labor today, as the National Workers Union organized a massive show of force. A spokesman for the NWU estimated the crowd number to be 30,000. This number was confirmed by local law enforcement. The march, according to the NWU spokesman, was held to demonstrate the raw strength of their organization and of the labor movement in general. "It is critically important for our nation and our nation's political parties to realize the will and determination of Franklin workers," explained John Taylor (NWU President in Irondequiot), "Our members will support any party that fights for the common man against corporations driven only by a pursuit for higher profits. We need a government that will stop the outsourcing of Franklin jobs and is willing to fight and protect Franklin's industries." Irondequiot, the most populous of the Franklin States, is a sympathetic host. This State and its capital, Bordeaux, have lost 70,000 manufacturing jobs in the last five years. A recent Wallup poll also found that 70% of all Irondequiot residents believe the economy is the number one issue.

The Capital Courier -

Budget Deficit Hits High

The Royal Treasurer announced today that the nation's budget deficit has hit a new record. The current national budget shows a deficit of $38 billion dollars. When asked to explain, Michael Bradburn responded, "Simply put: we spent more money than we took in. No matter, let the democratic revolutionaries solve the problem." It is unclear how this financial situation will play out, but with party tax policies due by the end of the week it is hoped clarification will come soon.

Wallup Regional Polls

For the first time, Wallup Polling Institute has conducted regional/state polls to gauge voter support. Wallup selected two states (one liberal and one conservative) and asked the following question: If the election were held today, which political party would you support.

LSP 4%, LRP 3%, MOR 7%, Manisrits 7%, Buckeye 19%, FCP 33%, CAT 19%, Unsure 8%

Capital State:
LSP 30%, LRP 24%, MOR 5%, Manisrits 10%, Buckeye 9%, FCP 13%, CAT 8%, Unsure 1%


Anonymous said...

The Free Conservatists Party is hard at work preparing the speech for the Environment Protection Council presentation. The party feels that the enviroment will play as an important issue in the upcoming election and is determined to consider and uphold the voter's views on the enviroment.

The FCP promises to ensure that the people will not be outsourced by greedy companies. The FCP wants a more marketed economy but will have restrictions so that the companies cannot take advantage of the common worker. We too believe that the economy should be a major priority in the campaign.

The defecit is obviously a growing issue in the economy and the upcoming election. In our tax policy we will attempt to lower the defecit without putting too much of a burden on the people. We will also choose more reasonable choices of how to spend the nation's money.

The party is very pleased with the support it has received from the Hampton voters. We will soon be releasing ads to gain support and to publicize our party name.

Anonymous said...

The CAT party is looking forward to meeting everyone at the annual national convention of the Enviromental Protection Council in MIlwaukee. We can't wait to share our ideas with everyone.

We are also pleased to see the labor march that went on. We believe the working people of The Franklin States are the most important people. We believe that jobs should not only stay here but they should also be outsourced to other countries. The economy is a huge issue in tis election with the Irondequiot state being hurt badly by the loss of manufacturing jobs. We know that it is difficult to get by and we know everyone wants to support their family and help them have a great life which is why we will do whatever it takes to work with the companies to keep jobs here.

$38 billion dollars deficit is huge and it needs to be controled. We will work to stablelize the growing deficit and hopefully eventually work to reduce it to a lower amount.

The CAT party is happy to see we are pooling in second in the conservative state but it sows we need to do a lot more work and try our best to convince conservative voters we are the best party for their views. Although we aren't surprised to be pooling quite low in the liberal Capital Sate we believe we can work through differences to get things done. We would like to see our support grow and we will work hard in the next couple of weeks to get into the lead.

Anonymous said...

The Liberal Rights Party is ready to give our EPC speech at the national convention. Our party feels strongly about the environment and believes that the people feel the same way too. Franklin is losing resources faster when we cut down our trees and forests.

The middle man is also a stong issue we plan to focus on at the convention. The NWU is working for less government control in busiess, and so are we. Labor groups and worker's unions need to fight for their rights. The Liberal Rights Party will help the middle man in business.

It is clear to the Liberal Rights Party that the budget deficit in Franklin is getting out of control. If our party is put in power, we plan to lower the deficit with our tax policy. The Liberal Rights Party believes this is a major priority for our nation.

The Liberal Rights Party isn't surprised by the polls that were posted by the Wallup Poling Institute. We are in close second for the liberal Captial State and we aren't getting much support in the conservative state of Hampton. We hope to pull votes, however away form the conservatives by planning our campaign trail around the conservative states. The Liberal Righst Party can't wait to see the election results in May.

Anonymous said...

The MOR Party sent representatives to the Labor March in Irondequiot. During the Labor March, our 1,000 representatives spoke comprehensively to over 10,000 marchers as well as John Taylor, the NWU President in Irondequiot about the economy and labor unions over coffee we provided from a local family coffee shop. We were well received and people seemed excited to see tangible support from a current party running for parliament.

Anonymous said...

The Buckeye Party is proud to say that we have prepared and delivered our EPC speach. We are also proud to say we have figured out a solution to our national budget deficit. We think it is about time a conservative party has risen to the challenge of solving this great problem. And unlike the Free Conservative Party who is attempting to come up with a solution without to much a burde on the people. We have found a solution without a burden being put on the people. Even with everything we spend money on each year. We will still be making tens of billions of dollars in surplus each year. And we will do this with no more borrowing money from other countries. The best thing about all this is that it will be done without raising taxes at all. So the individual will not suffer for this at all.
The labor union strike however is a much more complicated matter. We will let them have their demonstration unless things get violent. In which case it will get broken up. We do not feel it is our business to impose restrictions on the businesses to satisfy the workers. If we tried to tell the business owners what to do then it wouldnt really be their business now would it. As long as they are following all of the labor laws then they can run their business how they see fit.
We appreciate our large gathering of Hampton voters. If you vote for us you will not regret it. You will be well represented if we gain office. For those citezens of Hampton who currently support the FCP it would better protect your interests to look closely at the Buckeye Party. The FCP doesnt even have a clear solution on many things yet. While we have already solved many national problems. Also those of you from the Capital State we do appreciate your support as well. If we can gain a majority there then you will realize you made the right choice. Just look at our recent EPC appearance. I am sure that you will be pleased.